Hair loss


Jul 28, 2006
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Anyone here worried about it?
Any way to prevent it?
I noticed I can see my scalp from the back where my "crown" is. That kinda bugs me. Is that normal?
masturbate more

it might not fix your hair, but it will make you feel better
masturbate more

it might not fix your hair, but it will make you feel better

what the hell does this have to do with anything? lol.

I noticed when I was a low-fat Nazi that my hair always seemed to be real thin and I always thought I was losing it. I switched to whole milk and starting eating egg yolks instead of just whites and in general just started eating more fat and noticed a a big difference in the thickness of my hair. I've been searching for some studies involving this and haven't been able to find anything. I'd be interested to see some science behind it if there is an actual connection between lack of fat and hair loss.
Try massaging your scalp for a couple minutes everyday.
You could use Rogain or Propecia. Are you using legal steroids/pre-cursers? you could use saw palmetto to help you more with that.

however, if you are destine to go bald, then your only hope is to go to some Bosley medical company where they take the back end hairs which never fall out and put in the areas where your hair is falling.

that surgery is fucking expensive i heard.
I first started noticing the thinning/receding in the front corners of my hairline when I was 24.

I was freaked out at first, but when I actually started checking out other guy's hairlines, I realized that I wasn't alone. In fact, MOST guys are showing some signs of recession by their mid 20's.

I briefly tried using Rogaine. I didn't use it long enough or consistently enough to say whether it works or not, simply because I couldn't stand using it. It makes your hair feel greasy, and it stinks.

I don't think I'll ever try Propecia, because it's expensive and I've heard the sides are not fun.

If they come up with some other "cure" sometime in the future I might consider it, but for now I'm just going to keep my hair cut short and take it like a man, come what may.

I guess this doesn't help you much, but it helps to talk about it :D
Get a prescription for propecia from your doctor. The earlier you start on it the better.
I was freaked out at first, but when I actually started checking out other guy's hairlines, I realized that I wasn't alone. In fact, MOST guys are showing some signs of recession by their mid 20's.
I'm not really worried about the front. I noticed to that it seems like almost all white guys have the front part of their hair recede at the corners a little. I'm 24 and it's been like that for like a year. It kinda happened without me noticing.
But what I'm talking about is the back part of your head where your hair kinda spirals outward. I can see my scalp, but I was wondering if that was due to any hair loss or because it's where my hair is parted and layed to one side so that I can see my scalp.
Not to mention my hair is almost black and I'm really pale, especially my scalp, so it shows more.

Is the bald gene from the mother's side? Cause those bastards have full heads of hair. My father's side is pretty bad looking though. He's bald, 1 of his brother is bald and his dad is bald. His other brother is starting to lose his hair though, but he's over 50 now.
Try massaging your scalp for a couple minutes everyday.
Does that really work? I guess it couldn't hurt.
Cut your hair short or shave it off. Also, nobody really cares what your hair looks like. I've been losing hair for a couple years now and nobodies disowned me yet. Plus, most women I meet like my shaved head.
Is the bald gene from the mother's side? Cause those bastards have full heads of hair. My father's side is pretty bad looking though. He's bald, 1 of his brother is bald and his dad is bald. His other brother is starting to lose his hair though, but he's over 50 now.

I read in Men's Health(lol) that a man's hair gene comes from their mother's father.
i use rogaine and saw palmetto

with my family history of male pattern baldness i been preppin for the inevitable since about the 3rd grade

and im 27 right now

i kid you not
i use rogaine and saw palmetto

with my family history of male pattern baldness i been preppin for the inevitable since about the 3rd grade

and im 27 right now

i kid you not

So how is it working for you?
Shave your head. There's not many guys around who don't look fine with a shaved head if they're in good shape.
Oh man, I hear ya.. I started shaving my head to the skin when I was 14 years old.. I did that until I was 21 and when it grew back in there was way less than before hahaha.. Balding at 21 sucks.. I'm 27 now and I actually have a quarter sized spot on the crown of my head with *no* fucking hair on it and a widow's peak the size of lake michigan... Pretty soon it's Mach 3 time again I guess..