Guy Creates "Suicide Vest" from Firecrackers

Nope. That was all skin and firecrackers.

Look at the colour differential between his head/neck and where his body starts -- at first i thought it was a fat suit -- but no, just a fat guy with the skin tone of rubber cement

Some of his videos are pretty funny -- the skateboarding one particularly
there are better ways to burn fat.
Oh my lord, cellulitis incoming.
project fatass. he has more videos too, but I don't feel like looking at moobs. not now not ever.
Totally thought he was wearing a fat suit.

What a funny looking fucker.
So not only is a he fat, but he's fat AND in the burn ward.
The fat guy has more videos and he is fucking legit nuts :D
What is this guy? He looks half-Asian, half-gas giant.