guillotine to neck crank?

D Train

Gold Belt
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I saw a guy at my gym land a deep guillotine from guard, but he was unable to finish. So he repositioned his arms while keeping his opponent's head in the same position and switched to a neck crank. It happened too fast for me to figure out how he pulled it off. Does anyone have a clip of this technique.
um y are u guys doing neck cranks in practice?
someone can get seriously injured
It's legal in a fight so we train neck cranks. We go easy with them.
Death match with Mat. First to be triangled dies!

oh shit, you're in luck. I don't think Neck Crank Defense quite made it down to panama yet. in fact it seems as if so far they only have the offensive aspect of BJJ, weird.

Maybe we should send Todd down as the messiah of strong grip, core strength, and the defensive aspect of BJJ
nope, my buddy won by crucifix last month or so. MMA has much less restrictions in terms of grappling than actual BJJ competition.
Yeah, I think that spinal locks are A-OK in MMA (oh shit I'm freestyling lol). I think that it's not used much because most fighters submission skills come from jiu jitsu, where it is illegal in competition. In that way, it probably doesn't get practiced much so it doesn't get utilized much. It's just my theory anyway.
granted you need to be careful with them but if they are technically applied they are good submissions and it does kinda suck that they are banned in most grappling tournaments.

To TS, if what you are describing is what i am thinking of:
say you have the head overhooked with your right arm and cant get the guillotine grip, swim your right hand under his left arm and grab a palm to palm grip behind his back (your right upper arm will still be pressing against the back of his neck), pull up on his left shoulder, and he will become very light to turnover (you can use a pendulum motion or butterfly hook to sweep him but he will often be swept over just from the pressure). as you come to mount keep your right hand in his left armpit and arch back while keeping your hips low. Alternatively, you can transition to crosside and control his right arm and sit through for more leverage.
There are other finishes once mounted: eg mounted guillotine, 1 hand guillotine, etc. and if for nothing else its still a nice sweep.
Arn't Neck cranks illegal?
For the billionth time, NO.

Neck cranks, spine cranks, etc are legal. Pretty much all submissions are legal except for the obvious dirty moves (fishhooking, hair pulling, eye gouging, small joint manipulation, etc).
To TS, if what you are describing is what i am thinking of:
say you have the head overhooked with your right arm and cant get the guillotine grip, swim your right hand under his left arm and grab a palm to palm grip behind his back (your right upper arm will still be pressing against the back of his neck), pull up on his left shoulder, and he will become very light to turnover (you can use a pendulum motion or butterfly hook to sweep him but he will often be swept over just from the pressure). as you come to mount keep your right hand in his left armpit and arch back while keeping your hips low. Alternatively, you can transition to crosside and control his right arm and sit through for more leverage.
There are other finishes once mounted: eg mounted guillotine, 1 hand guillotine, etc. and if for nothing else its still a nice sweep.

This technique didn't transition into a sweep, but I've seen the move your describing and it's definately something I'll be incorporating into my game.