GSP's work ethic and athleticism is insane! + reason hes the Only GOAT(proof inside)


Brown Belt
Dec 24, 2016
Reaction score

And thats why hes the GOAT
I cant even do pistol squat for more then 2 reps let alone doing it with balance

And all the fake GOATs


Silva is out since hes popped so many times that it has become difficult to keep track of
Guy is a freak of nature.
A little vaseline and some dutch horsemeat go a long way.


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And thats why hes the GOAT
I cant even do pistol squat for more then 2 reps let alone doing it with balance

And all the fake GOATs


Silva is out since hes popped so many times that it has become difficult to keep track of

Bet GSP can't dunk either

But Rockhold can, so I guess he must be the GOAT
Agree with all that gsp just seems on another level in terms of work ethic and athletism. But why'd you specifically call out silva for roids when juice jones has had a way more suspicious career. Popped twice, crazy t/e levels etc
GSP is a great fighter.
Can you imagine going into a hotel gym and ho hum there is Georges St. Pierre? 95% of the traveling business population go in there for their spritz of 20 minutes of "cardio" and would walk right by this man and have no fucking idea.
I see no difference
Pics are from different angles and in the first one hes not sweating therefore no muscle definition
Not to mention in the second one his arms are angled and on his hips while in the first one they are just hanging there.

So TS... what does that picture of GSP kneeling in front of Fedor tells you?? I mean , you have the guy you are praising, treating Fedor like if he was the shit. Meanwhile you are calling the man GSP respects so much a "FAKE GOAT", I guess you know better than GSP right?? Does that make sense??....
A little vaseline and some dutch horsemeat go a long way.

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you do realize someone in their early 20s can evolve to look like that very easily by the time they're in their late twenties.... you obviously have bitch tits

oh its a picture of the rematch... even so... go fuck yourself.. maybe he did take a ped..he looks practically the same though..
So TS... what does that picture of GSP kneeling in front of Fedor tells you?? I mean , you have the guy you are praising, treating Fedor like if he was the shit. Meanwhile you are calling the man GSP respects so much a "FAKE GOAT", I guess you know better than GSP right?? Does that make sense??....

GSP is one of the most humble fighters of all time, of course he doesn't consider himself the GOAT, especially not in public.
You do realize how athletic you have to be to take that fall (from the gentleman slam) properly right ? Wait of course you don't. You made this thread