I normally don't like remakes, especially of classics, like Kickboxer, which got a lot of people into muay Thai.
Like having Ronda star in the Roadhouse remake. That's Patrick Swayze's role. He knocked it out of the park, and he trained with an actual fighter, Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, for the film, unlike Ronda and TarTURDyan. Unless the new Roadhouse mix had Ronda in a love scene with Prime Kelly Lynch, I have no interest in watching a movie that rips apart a child hood classic, and replaces it with PC bull shit. You wanna do a movie about a tough bouncer chick? Ronda should do a bio pic of Kathy Long, who actually was a bouncer. And a fighter. It would give Ronda an excuse to learn how to kickbox from a real trainer.
Van Damme, however, appears to have given this movie his blessing, and there are actual fighters in it. Hope it doesn't flop.