Media GSP at 42 Looking in Peak Athletic Shape


You found a video for it. Mine was a short. I challenge you to embed a Youtube short. You're either trolling or mentally handicapped.

the two are not mutually exclusive lol
GSP looks his natural weight of 155.... crazy that he was beating huge welterweights and also became 185 champ... GOAT :)

I also have GSP as GOAT but respectfully disagree about GSP being undersized. GSP weighed in at 170 with very little body fat, good looking 6 pack abs. GSP was as big as 193 for ww in the cage vs Shields & still looked fantastic with no visible fat. GSP didnt wanna fight Khabib at 155, even for the belt & I don’t blame him. Why should 40 yr old need to kill himself to make weight for 155, Khabib was in his prime.

When guys get older, they do lose muscle mass, you can see guys like Rashad shrink down in size too. Or they completely let themselves go & become very fat. BJ is a small guy who took on much bigger guys, though it didn’t always work out well. When Khabib talks about walking around heavy, it’s because he gets out of shape, GSP stays disciplined yr round always