Ground and Pound trouble



I was doing some sparring last night and was trying to focus on GnP but I was having a hard time getting any clear shots...very frustrating! I had mount but I was just reverting back to my BJJ. Any suggestions or good drills for GnP? Randy are you there? :wink:
Een though GnP involves strikes, this would still be a better question for the Grappling subforum.
dood just practice it more and more. use ur bjj , hold the mount and every now and then pop up and throw 2 or 3 strikes and back down 2 secure position. or mix in strikes when u r scramblin or between positions
That's why GnP is it's own skill, neither BJJ nor standup striking. There's some carryover, but you basically have to do bad bjj/wrestling to have room to strike and you can't make good clean strikes the way you would from standing. In GnP it is vital to mix up body and head shots, using different striking parts. Keep him guessing on the angles and targets.
Man, If I was in the mount position, I would just lose all inhibition and let it all go, Throw punches and not care whether they hit or not, like fedor, we should all GnP like fedor.
Watch Fedor do his thing, over and over again.

Then watch Loisseau throw his 'bows. Repeat.

Notice how they both GnP with their entire bodies? Loisseau's elbow strikes look like they start from his fucking toes, it's electric.

Now practice.
┼D♣♠mpalm┼ said:
Man, If I was in the mount position, I would just lose all inhibition and let it all go, Throw punches and not care whether they hit or not, like fedor, we should all GnP like fedor.

Fedor doesn't flail. I've seen more than one MMA fight where the top guy gasses himself with a flurry then gets his a$$ handed to him in later rounds.
when you're on top, all you need to do is be a bully. all you really need to do is keep him off his game and any damage you inflict from there is bonus.

be a bully. have you never sat on some kid's chest and tagged him a couple times? like it's his birthday or whatever. gut, head, gut, head, head.. keep him guessing.
┼D♣♠mpalm┼ said:
Man, If I was in the mount position, I would just lose all inhibition and let it all go, Throw punches and not care whether they hit or not, like fedor, we should all GnP like fedor.

you do that and u will lose the mount . notice fedor hardly ever maintains the dominant position , most of his gnp comes from his opponents guard or while hes passin his opponents guard? if ur opponents sub game is better than ur gnp , u will lose position and then get submitted. take ur time in the mount and destroy ur opponent bit by bit.
To develop a good ground and pound i believe you need to have a good guard/half guard. You should started developing that so you can sweep into the mount and not be afraid of losing your position. For example David Losieau has excellent ground defense against subs. He doesnt necessarily attack a lot from the bottom but sweeps and stays calm.

Ill give you some tips for the mount striking. This is what I do. I don't suggest to just go nuts on the mount position. First thing to G N P is MAINTAINING position. You lose position, you lose your punches. I keep the guy grapevined with one arm around his neck and the other at about 10 o clock. then when I feel the time is ready i slide my position up into high mount with my knees in his armpit. From there I can use one arm to control his face, smashing it to the ground and elbow with the other. This prevents the guy from moving. You only need about two or three good shots.

Once I feel him bucking I go back and control him. Maybe slip in a shot or two. Again, main thing is control control control. I always control his face my smashing it down to the mat with one hand and punch with the other. I rarely use two hands to elbow or punch. I just lose my position. You can also try to put your shin on one of his biceps and strike, but be sure to be able to go back to maintaing your position.

Take your time striking. You are tiring him out. Use power punches and CONTROL your target. Make sure they are clean strikes and he is not blocking.
I'm far from any kind of GnP expert but I did stay at a holiday inn once (and read Bas's big book of combat). Bas says you should nail him with hard elbows to the chest/sternum to open up shots to their face.
If you come up high & sit on their chest, I think elbows are better, like Pat Smith vs Scott Morris,

but if your low, like Rickson vs Bud Smith, use punches to the body & when you hit the face,
don't go straight down, you can punch the floor if they bridge.
so punch at angles.
Get high up on your Mount and rain down punches and elbows..if the guy is gonna give you an arm..why not take it?
also you got to trap arms bro, like Royce did to Pat Smith,
even Rickson does this.

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