grip training


Mar 20, 2008
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anyone do any kind of grip training, or hand strengthening exercises. ive thought about getting those little hand exercising tool that looks like a spring to build some strength and endurance in my grips.
Get the Captain of Crush grips. Muscle Driver makes some decent Gladiator Grips, but they're not for everyone (I don't mind them, and the price isn't half bad).
Ask Todd. His grip strength is amazing.
yes thanks, and one of those articles brought up a great point of needing to strengthen your wrist as well as your hands.
Gi pullups. Grippers. Plate pinches. Farmer's walks. Wrist roller.
Read the FAQ in the Strength + Power section, and PM DevilSson
Ask Todd, I heard he's a solid purple belt with a GREAT grip .He might also teach you a thing or two about core strength.

Seriously, I've noted significant progress on my grip since I hang my kimono on a chin-up bar and pull up. You can use different grips, like collar thumbs in or back fabric, and if you pull-up while keeping your legs straight and perpendicular to your body, you can work your core strength too. This has got to be Todd's secret workout.

Sherdog thread about grip strength :
The grip tools are good but for the best results do some climbing. The use of your fingers and hands constantly sure increases the strength. You will notice a quite significant increase in forearm, shoulder and back muscles too. If there is nowhere to do it then try doing chinups with your fingers on door frames so you are only using the very ends of your fingers. To think of it waterskiing is very good too.
Jesus Christ who would post this question in the grappling forum????

Oh thats right I did....3 weeks ago!

I got the captain the crunch #1 gripper and its hard as shit!! I also bought a few of the hexagon dumbells (10lbs and 15lbs) and I squeeze the fat part of the 15lb bell with my hand until it slips....then I hold the 10lb until it slips

I could do more weight but the 15lbs is the biggest that my hands can reach around....I wish I could fit them around the 20 or 25 but it does the job

I think just training BJJ with a gi strengthens your grip
Forget all of the grip training equipment etc...keep it simple, take a full size bath towel and get it soaking wet. Then start at one corner and work your way to the other wringing the towel out dry, then reverse your grip and go the oppisite way. Repeat this 3-5 times a day and your grip will get stronger PERIOD.
Forget all of the grip training equipment etc...keep it simple, take a full size bath towel and get it soaking wet. Then start at one corner and work your way to the other wringing the towel out dry, then reverse your grip and go the oppisite way. Repeat this 3-5 times a day and your grip will get stronger PERIOD.
This one is a good one. I learned it from John Brooks!
Fat grips everything. Pull ups, dead hangs, farmers. Easy on the joints. Careful with gi pull ups, hard on the fingers.
- climb
- lift heavy things
- lift more heavy things

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