Grappling Dummy Help


Purple Belt
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ok. I'm thinking I want to purchase a grappling dummy. I can only make it to the acedemy a couple times a week, and want to train when I'm not there. I attempted to make one with poor results, so now I'm thinking of breaking down and buying one. I have like 4 choices.

Big Blue 640.00
Grappling Man 395.00
Grapple Man 595.00
Bubba 499.00

The Grappling Man from I&I seems the most reasonably priced, but may not be available. Big Blue seems liek it could be a could choice because I can use it for throwing and striking as well, but hear its not the best for subs. But the Grapple Man seems the most advanced with articulating joints, etc. Then theres the Bubba dummy (which I guess I&I will have later in the year). Any input (good or bad) about any of these dummys would be greatly appreciated. The main thing I want to use it for is practicing subs, etc. Secondly, I want to practice positioning with it. I have a heavy bag I could use for G&P or even throwing to a small degree.
This is just my opinion from looking at the dummy's, i dont have one. personally the grapple man seems the best choice for what you would like to practice (subs and positioning) because you would be able to bet all the mechanics regarding the joints for things like arm bars etc.

but when it comes down to it, buy what you can afford and work with that, you don't want to lose alot of money on any one peice of equipment
dummys arent my cup of tea but if i was to buyone id get one that allows me to practice full joint manipulation.
I would go with either the grappling man or bubba
I own a Big Blue and I just went with the empty suit for $240 - it's easy enough to stuff it yourself and modify the weight to your purposes. I can vouch for the quality of this model, as mine has taken a beating like a jailhouse bitch over the past six months and is still good as new.
toetagga said:
I own a Big Blue and I just went with the empty suit for $240 - it's easy enough to stuff it yourself and modify the weight to your purposes. I can vouch for the quality of this model, as mine has taken a beating like a jailhouse bitch over the past six months and is still good as new.

if money wasn't an issue, i would get the bubba, but since it IS... the empty suit sounds like a good option.

i can understand how the Big Blue can be good for gNp and throws/takedowns, but without realistic joints, is it any good for submission holds?
I have a Bubba and it's awesome for subs and positioning, a little harde for throws, but I would highly recommend it. I don' t know how it compares to the others, but if you are going to use it alot, it is worth the money IMO.

The practicality of working subs on the Big Blue dummy is somewhat debatable - there's no skeleton, and the stuffing material does tend to bunch up over time and leave the joints floppy and empty, though this can be easily fixed by beating the stuffing back into place every now and then, and you can always insert some form of skeleton into the suit as you would with a homemade dummy.

Generally though I would say the limbs are stiff enough to practice pretty much any sub on - arm/kneebars feel a little unrealistic due to lack of bones, but kimuras, RNC's, triangles, etc. feel realistic enough. Because the dummy is inanimate it won't help you to develop much speed in locking on subs, but it certainly helps develop strength - for example you can sink an RNC at maximum strength until your arms tingle and go numb, something you obviously can't do on a living opponent.

Add to this pretty good training of throws (I was shocked to find that my dummy weighs only 60lbs - the size and shape make it feel damn heavy), gnp/punchbag use and all kinds of sandbag training-type applications, and you've got a victim for life. A vital purchase in my estimation, at least for those of us who don't live in the gym.

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