Grapevine from full Mount



hey guys,

I've noticed that in wrestling, whenever I got a single grapevine in, I can be rolled over pretty easy on the side Im grapevining. How can I prevent this? If I get double grapevines in, then I can stay on top because I'm stretching them out, preventing them from doing a reversal or "umpa" as its called in BJJ.

Also, what is a good way to pin a guy with the arms from double grapevine position? Headlock, underhooks, overhooks, and what about head position?
TapOutGrapler said:
Also, what is a good way to pin a guy with the arms from double grapevine position? Headlock, underhooks, overhooks, and what about head position?

You always wanto to lift on the head, this prevents any bridging maneuvres
A grapevine is when you entangle the guy's legs with your own legs. Most comonly uou do them from the mount (on top) or the guard (bottom).
I spread my legs wide and crank my legs for daylight against his when I grapevine. If you just sit there passively, you will get rolled fast. You gotta be cranking his legs straight so that he can't bridge. Another thing that's good is that this TOTALLY sucks for the guy beneath you, so he gets distracted. If you pull his head up and crank his legs, he isn't going *anywhere*. I like to do this if I get an unsteady mount, so I solidify my position -- then move to a more attacking position.
Ha, I used proxify and logged onto this site before practice began or calss was over, Read zankous post. In practice today, I did exactly what he said, not let up, ripped somebody's boxers.
Lol what did I tell you? Totally sucks for the other guy.
dude i dont want to look like a total newb but what is a grapevine
Cameron said:
dude i dont want to look like a total newb but what is a grapevine

When you're in mount you wrap your legs around the outside of his legs and straighten them out. It's kind of hard to describe, I'll see if I can find a pic.
OK, this pic looks kinda gay but it shows it well. At our school we referred to a double grapevine as a "Saturday Night Ride" for obvious reasons.

I thought posting pr0n was bannable?
Im kind of hoping it is a cup showing on the guy in white....? -dread-
how did my thread get gay-afied?

BTW, I won my match with double grapevines, pulled his head up, and cranked as hard as i could. made him cry and pin
you can sag you butt to the floor opposite side of the grapevine kinda like a cross between the mount and a scarfhold, makes a great position for the americanna so that you dont get rolled.