Got my first stripe today


White Belt
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
I am training in BJJ under Helio Soneca in Knoxville, TN now for about a month.
At the end of class today, I received my first stripe which was total surprise.

I also ended up on the receiving end of my first really hard keylock today and tweaked my left shoulder. We'll see how much tonight when I go to karate tonight and hit the bags. Don't think its too bad.
I think he means his first stripe. ?
If so congrats?
Bubble Boy said:
I think he means his first stripe. ?
If so congrats?

Ya sorry, stripe. I'm used to calling the tip from karate...
deadlift ryan said:
christ im still on one stripe after 6 months

Stripes are very objective in my opinion. I got 2 stripes in like 3 months. I'm now at 7 months still with 2 stripes. I think solid thins like blue or purple is a lot more definitive considering skill level.
congrats, you now know your ass from your elbow...kinda

lol, sorry for being an asshole, i don't know whats gotten into me these days.
colinm said:
congrats, you now know your ass from your elbow...kinda

lol, sorry for being an asshole, i don't know whats gotten into me these days.

Thanks, but I think you summed it up well :D I seriously didn't expect anything at this point and as some else said, it is subjective.
colinm said:
congrats, you now know your ass from your elbow...kinda

lol, sorry for being an asshole, i don't know whats gotten into me these days.
both of us sport a blue and neither of us know our ass from our elbows yet.
Don't be under the impression that a blue means you know anything either =D I have one and don't ...
Ive been training for three months and still have no stripes. Its because the orders for the belts havent came in yet. lol
Congrats on the stripe man! Keep up the good work.
BTW I train at KBJJ on Broadway... 4 stripe white and testing for blue on Feb 25 with Pedro Sauer.

One thing I learned is that stripes just mean you've already learned a certain number of moves. I have been training on and off for a year and yet still have no stripes, but I've been able to tap guys who have stripes