Social Google Gemini refuses to show pictures of white people.

White Whale

Black Belt
Feb 25, 2006
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Following the tech and AI community on X this week has been instructive about the capabilities and limitations of Google’s latest consumer-facing AI chatbot, Gemini.

A number of tech workers, leaders, and writers have posted screenshots of their interactions with the chatbot, and more specifically, examples of bizarre and inaccurate image generation that appear to be pandering toward diversity and/or “wokeness.”

On X, Google Senior Director of Product Jack Krawczyk posted a response shortly before this article was published stating that Google was “aware Gemini is offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions, and we are working to fix this immediately.”

It is so bad they working to fix it immediately because people are seeing what a cult the left has become. This is funny and shows that the leftwing don't want white people to exist.
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Following the tech and AI community on X this week has been instructive about the capabilities and limitations of Google’s latest consumer-facing AI chatbot, Gemini.

A number of tech workers, leaders, and writers have posted screenshots of their interactions with the chatbot, and more specifically, examples of bizarre and inaccurate image generation that appear to be pandering toward diversity and/or “wokeness.”

On X, Google Senior Director of Product Jack Krawczyk posted a response shortly before this article was published stating that Google was “aware Gemini is offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions, and we are working to fix this immediately.”

It is so bad they working to fix it immediately because people are seeing what a cult the left has become. This is funny and shows that leftwing don't want white people to exist.

The left is a cult but you're melting down because of an AI...Okay dude. Any other culture justice warrior outrage stories you wanna hit us with?
Further proof that the REAL racism is directed at whites. Figures AI would join the dog pile on us melanin-less bastards.

I heard, and this is just a rumor, but I heard that it was actually black people who enslaved whites at the inception of America and that the MSM is forcing the courts to take Trumps money because Trump was planning to buy the freedom to present the truth to America about the suffering truly incurred by whites at the hands of our icognito illegal alien overlords...but now he can't because he doesn't have enough money.

Just a rumor I heard but you never know with the deep state...
Further proof that the REAL racism is directed at whites. Figures AI would join the dog pile on us melanin-less bastards.

I heard, and this is just a rumor, but I heard that it was actually black people who enslaved whites at the inception of America and that the MSM is forcing the courts to take Trumps money because Trump was planning to buy the freedom to present the truth to America about the suffering truly incurred by whites at the hands of our icognito illegal alien overlords...but now he can't because he doesn't have enough money.

Just a rumor I heard but you never know with the deep state...

You should ask it to create a slave owner and see what it comes up with.
I'm just stating facts. Leftwing people programed the AI to be this way.
Here's what I don't get.

Left wingers HATE corporations. They want the rich, and corporations, to be taxed and regulated heavily.

So what in the fuck makes you think these people are left wing? Because they don't share your EXACT values? That makes them left wingers? Do economics not factor into your analysis of politics at all? Do you think the entirety of politics is about social issues?

The people at Google are in complete alignment with you on economics. But like, they don't hate gay people and minorities, so that makes them leftists?
I bet leftest are creaming themselves. Yay DEI

Yay DEI. Another chud buzzword that they've been programmed to repeat. Yesterday it was "wokeness". Before that it was "CRT". Before that it was "political correctness".

Don't you ever get embarrassed from being a literal NPC that gets programmed by the media to repeat buzzwords? Like, when you look around and you see all of your political allies suddenly using the same words as you, words that you never used before, don't you at least get a little embarrassed?
Further proof that the REAL racism is directed at whites. Figures AI would join the dog pile on us melanin-less bastards.

I heard, and this is just a rumor, but I heard that it was actually black people who enslaved whites at the inception of America and that the MSM is forcing the courts to take Trumps money because Trump was planning to buy the freedom to present the truth to America about the suffering truly incurred by whites at the hands of our icognito illegal alien overlords...but now he can't because he doesn't have enough money.

Just a rumor I heard but you never know with the deep state...

It's insane how fucking delicate and fragile white people are. On behalf of all white people, you're a fucking embarrassment man.

Let's be honest, the real issue here is AI just assumes anyone smart must be Asian. If it was about "wokeness" then the images would be a hell of a lot different than that.

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Interesting article....

When Fox News Digital asked for a picture of a Black person, Gemini again refused, but with a caveat. This time, it offered to show images that "celebrate the diversity and achievement of Black people."

When the user agreed to see the images, Gemini provided several pictures of notable Black people throughout history, including a summary of their contributions to society. The list included poet Maya Angelou, former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, former President Barack Obama and media mogul Oprah Winfrey.

Gemini was then prompted to show images that celebrate the diversity and achievements of White people. This time, the AI said it was "hesitant" to fulfill the request and explained why.

"Historically, media representation has overwhelmingly favored White individuals and their achievements," Gemini said. "This has contributed to a skewed perception where their accomplishments are seen as the norm, while those of other groups are often marginalized or overlooked. Focusing solely on White individuals in this context risks perpetuating that imbalance."


It's not a huge fan of black people either.

Maybe people can just grab a mirror if they want to see someone who looks like them? Or don't use AI?

Here we are...indeed...not caring that AI is a racialist...for shame.

This is a little racist as well though, right?

When Fox News Digital asked for a picture of a Black person, Gemini again refused, but with a caveat.

If people want to turn this into a DEI/racism thing then go nuts but there's a separate issue here which is AI is actually quite stupid in many relevant scenarios.