Good ZMA Alternative??

not the right types of zinc or magnesium ....but I don't know how much of a difference that makes.
ZMA doesnt make any difference to strength or testostrone, its a waste of time, effort and money.

Call me old fasioned, but the only supplements that really make any difference to your training and performance is Whey, L Glutamine, Creatine and a multi-vit. Any other 'natural' supplement wont make too much of a difference, even if your diet is clean and your training like a hamster on speed.

If you want to get big, take steroids. No one will judge you if you dont tell them. Simplez.
Call me old fasioned, but the only supplements that really make any difference to your training and performance is Whey, L Glutamine,

Your ignorance is shining brightly.

ZMA isn't magic. If you are an athlete and you aren't getting a handful of spinach with each meal chances are ZMA can help. It has mixed results from person to person. For some it does nothing. For some it helps sleep. For some it helps preserve free test.

Again ZMA isn't magic. Its effects and effectiveness are subtle.
not the right types of zinc or magnesium ....but I don't know how much of a difference that makes.

I noticed that, and am interested in what the difference really is? Price is good and seems to deliver similar dosages.
Magnesium is one of the most overlooked and beneficial supplements. If zma helps you sleep well and that is how you get your magnesium theres nothing wrong with it. You can also get similar yet cheaper b6, zinc, and magnesium separately as well.
ZMA doesnt make any difference to strength or testostrone, its a waste of time, effort and money.

Call me old fasioned, but the only supplements that really make any difference to your training and performance is Whey, L Glutamine, Creatine and a multi-vit. Any other 'natural' supplement wont make too much of a difference, even if your diet is clean and your training like a hamster on speed.

If you want to get big, take steroids. No one will judge you if you dont tell them. Simplez.

You'd be very wrong if you believe it has no benefit. I take the individual vitamins separately before bed. I get the crazy dreams but my quality of sleep has never been better.
Go to swanson's vitamins and get there zinc pilconate or citrate for a like 3-5 bucks and their mag oil for 8 bucks, that place is the truth.
ZMA doesnt make any difference to strength or testostrone, its a waste of time, effort and money.

Call me old fasioned, but the only supplements that really make any difference to your training and performance is Whey, L Glutamine, Creatine and a multi-vit. Any other 'natural' supplement wont make too much of a difference, even if your diet is clean and your training like a hamster on speed.

If you want to get big, take steroids. No one will judge you if you dont tell them. Simplez.

Glutamine is also worthless. ZMA (mainly zinc) will only increase your testosterone if you are chronically deficient which most people are not.

-sufficient protein, preferably from whole food sources.
-Caffeine (prewo)
-Fish Oil
-BCAA- only if for use in fasted training

Those are all the legal supplements I would suggest to anyone.
ZMA doesnt make any difference to strength or testostrone, its a waste of time, effort and money.

Call me old fasioned, but the only supplements that really make any difference to your training and performance is Whey, L Glutamine, Creatine and a multi-vit. Any other 'natural' supplement wont make too much of a difference, even if your diet is clean and your training like a hamster on speed.

If you want to get big, take steroids. No one will judge you if you dont tell them. Simplez.

i disagree. i'm not a fan of glutamine and think that it is far less effective than zma. better sleep quality will definitely have an effect on training, performance and recovery.
Glutamine is also worthless. ZMA (mainly zinc) will only increase your testosterone if you are chronically deficient which most people are not.

-sufficient protein, preferably from whole food sources.
-Caffeine (prewo)
-Fish Oil
-BCAA- only if for use in fasted training

Those are all the legal supplements I would suggest to anyone.

ZMA does not boost Test. It will however, help preserve free test. This can happen in healthy and unhealthy individuals. This is typically particularly helpful in elite athletes because the stress they put on their bodies causes them to deplete their trace minerals faster thus making them deficient in zinc and magnesium easily.
If you want to get big, take steroids. No one will judge you if you dont tell them. Simplez.

I never said i wanted to get big, I have been having trouble sleeping after hard training sessions. I heard ZMA assists with that but didnt like the price, found that product and was thinking its pretty much the same thing?
$15-20 for a 2 month supply is expensive?

ZMA is really cheap, one of the cheapest effective supplements. Try amazon.
ZMA does not boost Test. It will however, help preserve free test. This can happen in healthy and unhealthy individuals. This is typically particularly helpful in elite athletes because the stress they put on their bodies causes them to deplete their trace minerals faster thus making them deficient in zinc and magnesium easily.

The only study that has ever shown that was the single first one done by the very people that were selling the product. Many many others have followed, none have shown the same results.

In short, do you have any proof of these claims? if not, run along.
$15-20 for a 2 month supply is expensive?

ZMA is really cheap, one of the cheapest effective supplements. Try amazon.

The problem with living in New Zealand is that getting it delivered often costs more than the product
Depleted levels of zinc/magnesium lead to a drop in androgens, so supplement with these vitamins to avoid deficiency.
The only study that has ever shown that was the single first one done by the very people that were selling the product. Many many others have followed, none have shown the same results.

In short, do you have any proof of these claims? if not, run along.

Do you really need me to source the effect of a trace mineral...
"backing up my claim is so easy im not even going to do it, HA!"



I'm not trying to sell anyone anything or push any sort of philosophy on them. I'm not making any claims that haven't been made repeatedly by me, and a lot of other members on this board. Zinc and magnesium are trace minerals and have been studied extensively. If you aren't aware of what they actually do for your body, its not my job to educate you on that.

This guy decided for whatever reason he wanted ZMA. I tried to set a proper expectation of what it is known, or thought, to do and not do. Where people get mixed up is they think all supplements are magic because that's how the companies market them.