Good Squash Matches!


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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I like squash matches. Grew up watching them, think today’s product needs more of them.

I’m gonna post some I remember watching. Some of these I taped off TV and watched like 8,000 times.

One of my favorite never pushed in the WWE wrestlers was the Widowmaker. Awesome squash match here:

The float over on that superplex— so fucking money. Great look from Barry Windham at this time, too. Guy was a stud.
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A lot of people know this one because HHH almost fucking kills the jobber with the craziest pedigree ever. I remember watching it at the time and thinking the pedigree was without a doubt the most devastating move in the history of wresting. I think it was the first time I ever saw it, lol

According to legend, the jobber didn’t know what the pedigree was and jumped into it like he was going over for a butterfly suplex.
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Jake Roberts, I believe, was the perfect professional wrestler. He comes across as more dominant by doing two moves and pinning the guy with contempt than someone who has to do 25 different suplexes.

I always cracked up on this one when he twists the jobber’s mask so he can’t see. Lol. Who else thinks of that? Jake telling an entertaining story in a 2 minute squash match.
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I think this is the first time the Brain Busters used the spiked piledriver. It was cool how they snuck it in like they were cheating even though it was only a squash match. Tully Blanchard was so good at communicating that sneaky shit heel character.

And check out the jobber throwing the rana in the early 90’s!

When Sid arrived on the scene in WCW in the 90s he'd come out every week to wreck a jobber within a few moves. Sometimes, it would just be a powerbomb.

When Sid arrived on the scene in WCW in the 90s he'd come out every week to wreck a jobber within a few moves. Sometimes, it would just be a powerbomb.

I was going to post this in the shoot thread but makes sense here. Always makes me laugh my ass off.
When Sid arrived on the scene in WCW in the 90s he'd come out every week to wreck a jobber within a few moves. Sometimes, it would just be a powerbomb.

In a similar mode... Vader (w. Harley Race) vs. Scott McKever from 1992.
It doesn’t go well for McKever


Another aspect of squash matches that used to be so cool was how a lot of the stars had post match gimmics that helped get them over: Jake with the snake, Brutus Beefcake with the haircut, Million Dollar Man stuffing the money in the jobber’s mouth...

Rick Rude was one of the best in this regard. He’d insult the “fat Slobs” before the match, then pick some hometown groupie to “ravish” after the match... and, of course, he shook his ass the whole time. Simply ravishing!

How many segments on Raw or Smackdown today are as entertaining as a simple Rick Rude squash match?
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This is a must watch Perfect squash. He’s all pissed because he just lost the IC title to Hitman. Runs down to the ring, pushes the female ring announcer out of the ring, absolutely manhandles the jobber and beats him with a sick amateur tie up in 20 seconds.

Fucking awesome. Remember when losing a title mattered to the point where guys would actually get this upset about it? And they wonder why shit used to be better.

Bonus hilight. The original Lesnar “Horseshoe up the ass” comment @ 2:35!!

How many guys here still try to spit their gum out and slap it like Mr. Perfect? I can’t be the only one. I’m like 22 for 199 all time.
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Early 90s WCW was the best in this regard. Check out Sid, Vader, Stan Hansen, Steiners, Doom (or just Ron Simmons) Dan Spivey and Williams/Gordy vs the random jobbers from that time. STIFF was not the word sometimes.
I think my favorite one is when Razor set the jobber up for the Razor's Edge, but settled for a small package instead and just shrugged. lol
Roddy Piper vs. Rick McGraw. McGraw dies shortly after and Piper took credit.

'The Pit' sets up the match up.


Damn listen to that pop! I remember seeing this with my brother when it aired and we were marking out as well. I think Horowitz was probably the best job guy they ever had. He was pretty over for a jabroni....I remember we used to pop every time he would pat himself on the back.