good multivitamin brands?


Brown Belt
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
so which ones are worth taking, im guessing centrum is among the best?
so which ones are worth taking, im guessing centrum is among the best?

if by 'best' u mean 'sucky'.. then yeh i believe u are correct.. :)
supersudo said:
if by 'best' u mean 'sucky'.. then yeh i believe u are correct.. :)

so your are saying that centrum sucks? and if you know so much than what is a good brand?
ohnestly you do not need a multivitamin if you eating raw veg and fruit daily.

multivitamin is one of those magic bullet remedies and an old one at that. The real thing is far more affective. there was no mutlivitamin tree when our bodies evolved.
yomon said:
ohnestly you do not need a multivitamin if you eating raw veg and fruit daily.

multivitamin is one of those magic bullet remedies and an old one at that. The real thing is far more affective. there was no mutlivitamin tree when our bodies evolved.

not a tree.. but grasses... raw grasses like barley grass, wheat grass etc are basically multi-vitamins.. algae's too

and as for multi-vitamins... any "whole food" multi is best..

some brands with excellent multi's:

nature's way


pure essence labs (u can find em at henry's/sprout's)<--this is the only brand i've seen that labels their beta-carotene in it as 'natural'--very expensive!

all the whey (duno if it's good quality or anything though)

puritan's pride (very cheap!)

NSI synergy (damn expensive)
Actually, I think Centrum has been a perennial disappointment at Consumer Reports, but don't quote me on that, I could be wrong.
I wonder what the net difference really is to your body though. Basicly I've always thought it was one of those "law of diminishing returns" scenarios. You know, where the premium vitamin is better when compared to another on paper but that the total return to your health is negligible overall. (But I haven't done the research to back that up so I wouldn't put much stock in the opinion I just typed.)

I know this doesn't sound as obsessive compulsive as I normally am but I generally figure that as long as I get a mult-vitamin I'm probably going to be fine. Heck, last time I bought the Walgreens knock-off version of Centrum.
Actually KOU, I agree with you here. I was going to mention this before, but didn't; I take centrum at the moment and I really don't care if it's not the "best". I've taken GNC brand, Nature's Plus, flintstones - didn't really notice a difference. Maybe I am being foolish, but I dont see how this is like other supplements. I don't see how different multi-vitamins can really make a difference on your overall health. As long as you are taking a multi, which brand you take most likely is not going to make a difference, imo. However, I did bother to google it and I came across this article:
GNC Mega Men isn't bad. I was looking into their Ultra Green one but the worker said they are coming out with a new formula for it soon, so I held off.
Out of interest.....anyone ever heard of a company called usana and the stuff they do?
Ian1983 said:
Out of interest.....anyone ever heard of a company called usana and the stuff they do?

I have, I hear they are very expensive and they custom make multivitamins for you or something?
SteveX said:
I have, I hear they are very expensive and they custom make multivitamins for you or something?

I'm trying out their essentials....the jury is out at the mo