Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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Seems likely that mandated mRna injections will be the cause and supposedly the solution to a massive increase in cancer in the coming years.

Def the cause. I was told by a Dr. That everyone has cancer in their bodies and our immune system keeps it in check until it doesnt. Other dormant viruses and conditions can be trigger by a weakened immune system.
False mRNA immune responses from multiple nano jabs make our immune system "cry wolf" and weaken natural responses and may even trigger dormant conditions like cancer, shingles, herpes and others.
The PREP act isn't necessary to cite here, but I do appreciate the reference as I hadn't seen it before. Vaccine manufacturers, in general, even before 2005 (I believe since either '86 or '89) have had immunity from liability with the exception being if they intentionally lie about possible side effects in the manufacturers insert that is provided with the vaccine. Its the place drug companies are typically the most honest; because it gives them complete immunity.

If these weren't labelled vaccines, which they literally changed the definition of vaccine in order to do, they wouldn't have been mandated by the state. My problem is more with the mandates than the drugs themselves. Tons of drugs don't work well, but people should have the right to refuse any medication they dont want to take. The combination of the liability protection plus the mandates is absolutely ridiculous. If a drug manufacturer isn't forced to stand behind their product, people shouldn't be forced to take it.

its not just vaccines that are covered uder prepa. changing the definition of a vaccine has nothing to do with the drug manufacturers invoking the prepa act to shield themselves from lawsuits and gain their immunity. theyve pretty much had their bases covered from day one. it has nothing at all to do with somebody changing the definition of a vaccine, so i dont know where you get that from. if they put their drugs or 'vaccine' out there in pill or suppository form, theyll still be protected.

back in march 2020 they already covered themselves for vaccines, testing kits, and all things covid related under their prep act declaration.

as of now, over 4 billion people have had the vaccine, and severe side effects would have to be MUCH more common than they are, and they would have to prove that the manufacturers knew about the risks but were negligent and didnt disclose them, in order for a casse to even be made against the manufacturers. its a hell of a longshot to say the least. though it does seldom happen. i think pfizer and moderna have even lost a few cases in this same manner before. but i doubt it would ever happen here. everybody knows the risks, and they are choosing under their own free will to take the vaccine, not specifically at the request of a negligent doctor.
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Fear monger harder.
I'm not fear mongering. I am simply telling you the truth. It is unfortunate that the truth scares you. Instead of being afraid. You should be grateful that you probably got injected with a placebo. The fact that you are not experiencing any side effects is something that you should thank God for. Luck was not on the side of these unfortunate vaxxx victims.

its not just vaccines that are covered uder prepa. changing the definition of a vaccine has nothing to do with the drug manufacturers invoking the prepa act to shield themselves from lawsuits and gain their immunity. theyve pretty much had their bases covered from day one.

back in march 2020 they already covered themselves for vaccines, testing kits, and all things covid related under their prep act declaration.

as of now, over 4 billion people have had the vaccine, and severe side effects would have to be MUCH more common than they are, and they would have to prove that the manufacturers knew about the risks but were negligent and didnt disclose them, in order for a casse to even be made against the manufacturers. its a hell of a longshot to say the least. though it does seldom happen. i think pfizer and moderna have even lost a few cases in this same manner before. but i doubt it would ever happen here
At worst they could invoke the emergency act and claim culpable negligence while retaining innocence for advancing nano jabs in the name of national security.
I hate Lawyers. One of my ex wives was a lawyer. She's ok but her profession is akin to being paid parasites
I'm not fear mongering. I am simply telling you the truth. It is unfortunate that the truth scares you. Instead of being afraid. You should be grateful that you probably got injected with a placebo. The fact that you are not experiencing any side effects is something that you should thank God for. Luck was not on the side of these unfortunate vaxxx victims.

You mentioned placebos before when I was speaking with you. Do you know or suspect what the percentage of alleged placebo injections might be?
I'm not fear mongering. I am simply telling you the truth. It is unfortunate that the truth scares you. Instead of being afraid. You should be grateful that you probably got injected with a placebo. The fact that you are not experiencing any side effects is something that you should thank God for. Luck was not on the side of these unfortunate vaxxx victims.

Like always it's this
Imagine if you had taken the nano jabs, you know this shit is permanently swimming around in your body and you stumble into this thread. Unlike the echo chamber from their jabbed family and social circle, their fears are activated.

They will do or say ANYTHING to justify succumbing to those shots
its not just vaccines that are covered uder prepa. changing the definition of a vaccine has nothing to do with the drug manufacturers invoking the prepa act to shield themselves from lawsuits and gain their immunity. theyve pretty much had their bases covered from day one. it has nothing at all to do with somebody changing the definition of a vaccine, so i dont know where you get that from. if they put their drugs or 'vaccine' out there in pill or suppository form, theyll still be protected.

back in march 2020 they already covered themselves for vaccines, testing kits, and all things covid related under their prep act declaration.

as of now, over 4 billion people have had the vaccine, and severe side effects would have to be MUCH more common than they are, and they would have to prove that the manufacturers knew about the risks but were negligent and didnt disclose them, in order for a casse to even be made against the manufacturers. its a hell of a longshot to say the least. though it does seldom happen. i think pfizer and moderna have even lost a few cases in this same manner before. but i doubt it would ever happen here. everybody knows the risks, and they are choosing under their own free will to take the vaccine, not specifically at the request of a negligent doctor.

The DOD med data, similar to VAERS, was recently released….

And there’s huge increases in many cardiovascular issues across the board


I suppose it’s coincidence…. Lol
At worst they could invoke the emergency act and claim culpable negligence while retaining innocence for advancing nano jabs in the name of national security.
I hate Lawyers. One of my ex wives was a lawyer. She's ok but her profession is akin to being paid parasites

i mean unless a whole lot of people start dropping like flies and they can prove that it was due to side effects of the vaccine that the manufacturer didnt disclose to the public, and that the person was perfectly healthy before taking the jab, and lived a healthy lifestyle afterwards and suddenly he comes up with this complication, or it occurs soon after taking the vaccine, then youre pretty much shit out of luck.

yeah its going to suck for the 1 in tens of millions of people or whatever the number really is who might end up with a heart issue. (mind you the virus itself has also been proven to bring on myocarditis as well in some individuals) but still i dont think theres really much anybody can do. unless maybe people just start growing a 3rd arm or some shit and the manufacturers didnt list it off as a possible side effect of their drug. then yeah you'd probably be able to push it forward, just as long as you can make an argument that the drug manufacturers knew about it beforehand.

as far as suing the vaccine manufacturers go, its a hell of a longshot. we've got billions of people vaccinated and the people who end up with severe health complications from the jab are much much lower than the amount of people who are dying from the virus, and it would be hard to suggest and that the vaccine is doing more harm than good, and be able to demonstrate that the manufacturers were putting it onto the market with bad intentions, and plead ignorance on their behalf.

i dont know everything behind it all, but i just know that you better have a big group of lawyers and have a whole lot of money that youre able to risk losing trying to take on these giants at big pharma. the governments and health care industries across the world pretty much has their back on this one, and theyve pretty much been granted immunity before their vaccine was even developed. this alone is concerning enough for some people to not want to take the vaccine
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Def the cause. I was told by a Dr. That everyone has cancer in their bodies and our immune system keeps it in check until it doesnt. Other dormant viruses and conditions can be trigger by a weakened immune system.
False mRNA immune responses from multiple nano jabs make our immune system "cry wolf" and weaken natural responses and may even trigger dormant conditions like cancer, shingles, herpes and others.
True. Furthermore, the experimental mRNA injections also make T cells inoperable. The more one gets injected the less functioning T cells one has. T cells help fight cancer, herpes, shingles & other deleterious conditions as well. This video & news story was around 8 months ago.

I'm not fear mongering. I am simply telling you the truth. It is unfortunate that the truth scares you. Instead of being afraid. You should be grateful that you probably got injected with a placebo. The fact that you are not experiencing any side effects is something that you should thank God for. Luck was not on the side of these unfortunate vaxxx victims.

That's crazy. It's that really real?
The DOD med data, similar to VAERS, was recently released….

And there’s huge increases in many cardiovascular issues across the board


I suppose it’s coincidence…. Lol

"But Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, told PolitiFact by email that "in response to concerns mentioned in news reports" the division reviewed data in the DMED "and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020."

Officials compared numbers in the DMED with source data in the DMSS and found that the total number of medical diagnoses from those years "represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses." The 2021 numbers, however, were up-to-date, giving the "appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020," Graves said.

The DMED system has been taken offline to "identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption," Graves said."

Is this discussing the same Twitter message you posted?

At this point, I think it's safe to be extremely skeptical of anything authorities tell you. They could be telling the truth but we've already been lied to so many times already... how can you tell?
Think about this ...

EVERY pharma ad for a drug has a huge disclosure at the end of it. Some dude talking REALLY fast about the possible sides effects of the "medicine" they are selling.

I haven't heard shit about these jabs, anywhere in any form or format.
Just " get vaccinated and boosted" with NO disclosure of any kind.
Think for a minute about every pharma ad you've ever seen or heard in the last 25 years. They ALL had to list the possible side effects except these nano jabs.
Show me one that doesn't have the disclosures besides this. Show me one and I'll eat a dog shit sandwich
Think about this ...

EVERY pharma ad for a drug has a huge disclosure at the end of it. Some dude talking REALLY fast about the possible sides effects of the "medicine" they are selling.

I haven't heard shit about these jabs, anywhere in any form or format.
Just " get vaccinated and boosted" with NO disclosure of any kind.
Think for a minute about every pharma ad you've ever seen it heard in the last 25 years. They ALL had to list the possible side effects except these nano jabs.
Show me one that doesn't have the disclosures besides this. Show me one and I'll eat a dog shit sandwich


Think about this ...

EVERY pharma ad for a drug has a huge disclosure at the end of it. Some dude talking REALLY fast about the possible sides effects of the "medicine" they are selling.

I haven't heard shit about these jabs, anywhere in any form or format.
Just " get vaccinated and boosted" with NO disclosure of any kind.
Think for a minute about every pharma ad you've ever seen it heard in the last 25 years. They ALL had to list the possible side effects except these nano jabs.
Show me one that doesn't have the disclosures besides this. Show me one and I'll eat a dog shit sandwich

i bet a bunch more people would be willing to take the jab if they seen a commercial for it reading off the disclosure saying "consult your doctor if you experience an erection lasting 2 or more hours"

"hell no bitch. i'm consulting a nympho. boost me up scotty!"
this has been going on for quite a while now. long before the covid came along. but apparently not being held liable for injury is supposedly a brand new thing to these antivaxxers. yet everyones getting their other shots, and i know this is really going to hurt you to learn that most people have gotten their covid vaccines too. there must be a whole lot of idiots out there in the world today!

its everybody else who's the idiots right? definately not the small minority, mostly consisting of american conservatives with a low education and shitty health care coverage, who believe in eating landfill dirt, colloidal silver, and deworming agents to kill a disease and save themselves a costly trip to the doctor, and believe that everything in life is either fake news or simply one big conspiracy against them. its everybody else who is misguided idiots, and youre simply just the victim, and youre smart enough to see through their bullshit and all right? hell, i bet youve even got that one buddy on facebook that you turn to for answers, who sees right through the media's lies and knows all of the super secret stuff about science, virology, and medical treatment that the deep state government, big tech, and big pharma doesn't want you to know about.

but hey you know all there is to know about the science, medicine, and health care after youve done your 5 minutes of extensive research on google and fired up a 5 minute video from some crackheads youtube channel. just like that former cop buddy of yours, now traffic flagger, who went to work one day, caught the covid, and a month later he's suddenly dead. all the horse paste in the world and even god didn't save this chud, just like the rest of these anti-science flat-earthers who won their herman cain awards, earned their rightful place on, and died like a diseased dog just to own the libs.

my heart bleeds purple piss for him. if only there was something out there that could have likely prevented his untimely death due to the coronavirus disease. hmmmmn i wonder what it could ever be? even donald trump was talking about it not too long ago. it was something which he belives he invented, and he was raving about how it has already saved millions of lives! any idea what he could have ever been referring to?

You poor fool.
The PREP act isn't necessary to cite here, but I do appreciate the reference as I hadn't seen it before. Vaccine manufacturers, in general, even before 2005 (I believe since either '86 or '89) have had immunity from liability with the exception being if they intentionally lie about possible side effects in the manufacturers insert that is provided with the vaccine. Its the place drug companies are typically the most honest; because it gives them complete immunity.

If these weren't labelled vaccines, which they literally changed the definition of vaccine in order to do, they wouldn't have been mandated by the state. My problem is more with the mandates than the drugs themselves. Tons of drugs don't work well, but people should have the right to refuse any medication they dont want to take. The combination of the liability protection plus the mandates is absolutely ridiculous. If a drug manufacturer isn't forced to stand behind their product, people shouldn't be forced to take it.
If you want more information on the PREP Act.


"But Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, told PolitiFact by email that "in response to concerns mentioned in news reports" the division reviewed data in the DMED "and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020."

Officials compared numbers in the DMED with source data in the DMSS and found that the total number of medical diagnoses from those years "represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses." The 2021 numbers, however, were up-to-date, giving the "appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020," Graves said.

The DMED system has been taken offline to "identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption," Graves said."

Is this discussing the same Twitter message you posted?

At this point, I think it's safe to be extremely skeptical of anything authorities tell you. They could be telling the truth but we've already been lied to so many times already... how can you tell?

lol... And people want our Government to run our heathcare. I wouldn't trust them to make a ham sandwich
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