Going through something very difficult

I have quit cold turkey heroin 3 times

Only way to do it imo and now I'm going on 7 years clean

You've had four shots tonight? Tomorrow, have three and a half. Next day, three.... and so on.


Doing this never works in my experience
I'm not a doctor, but I listened to Dr Drew on the radio for many years. See a alcohol detox specialist doctor person. You got this bro. Do it for the childrens.
I haven't touched weed for years now. wasn't a hard decision, it's more of an age thing. I'm real close with my nieces & all the rest of the youngsters in the next generation of my family's lineage - I'm the favorite compared to my siblings, cousins etc. from my generation. that means a lot to me, so its my honor to uphold that & never disappoint them.

you should use your children as your fuel. your actions shape them bro, never forget that.
I have quit cold turkey heroin 3 times

More like you delayed the habit twice, and finally quit at the third attempt.

And yeah, it's your experience that cutting down the amount progressively doesn't work. Not everyone gets out of a habit the same way.

He already tried going cold turkey, and he having withdrawls, and he's already had four shots tonight. Probably more by the time I'm typing this. A simple alternative suggestion of progressively cutting down the amount of alchohol seems like a second option, as opposed to saying 'fuck it' and drinking an entire bottle tomorrow.

It's his decision. Alchoholism is a different beast than heroine.
More like you delayed the habit twice, and finally quit at the third attempt.

And yeah, it's your experience that cutting down the amount progressively doesn't work. Not everyone gets out of a habit the same way.

He already tried going cold turkey, and he having withdrawls, and he's already had four shots tonight. Probably more by the time I'm typing this. A simple alternative suggestion of progressively cutting down the amount of alchohol seems like a second option, as opposed to saying 'fuck it' and drinking an entire bottle tomorrow.

It's his decision. Alchoholism is a different beast than heroine.

Your right it is his decsion and I'm trying to recommend him more then 1 option

and trying to give him some guidance through my experience. In the end he is going to do whatever is best for him
Dont cold turkey, its too dangerous and when the pain comes again you are going to continue to 'top-up' to get rid of it and it'll be a never ending cycle.

what's more important to you? Family or alcohol? yes, it may be a daft question but you are going to end up with one or the other.

Please go and see a doctor and attempt to get into some sort of programme and I hope it all works out for you TS.

I'll leave you with an old Irish blessing,

May your troubles be less,
And your blessing be more.
And nothing but happiness,
Come through your door.
I'm going through a difficult period as well. My squats have gone to shits and they really lag behind.

Just gotta look through the windshield and not the rear view mirror. There's nothing you can change there.
No sympathy here buddy
Face it like a man and not a bitch that got you in that position .
Weak alcoholic.

Or die and call it a natural selection
I have no better advice than what has already been said; go get professional help.

There are people out there who deal with situations like yours every day. They will probably have invaluable advice and be able to put you in touch with a support network of people who've been there and can truly help.

I can't imagine how scary it might be to deal with this shit and to accept what a bad situation you're in, but everything is temporary.

IMO, this sounds like one of those times where you have to decide to be fucking awesome and get your shit together. Life changing moment.

Good luck bro. Genuinely wish you the best.
I've literally been there (minus the kids) multiple times and I feel for you bro.

Make a fucking doctor's appointment or get yourself to the hospital before you start having seizures.
More like you delayed the habit twice, and finally quit at the third attempt.

And yeah, it's your experience that cutting down the amount progressively doesn't work. Not everyone gets out of a habit the same way.

He already tried going cold turkey, and he having withdrawls, and he's already had four shots tonight. Probably more by the time I'm typing this. A simple alternative suggestion of progressively cutting down the amount of alchohol seems like a second option, as opposed to saying 'fuck it' and drinking an entire bottle tomorrow.

It's his decision. Alchoholism is a different beast than heroine.

To most people. With alcoholics, the two are more similar than a lot of folk think. I used to justify drinking by saying "At least I'm not a junkie." which is complete bollocks. If I'm actively drinking, I'm as bad as any junkie and the thought processes I go through are pretty much the same.
Hey man I feel your pain, I started drinking at 16 and when I joined the military at 19 ratcheted up the partying about 2 notches. I drank mostly weekends for years, and after I came back from a very rough deployment in Iraq started drinking allot more frequently and by myself. I got married about 10 years back and the spouse didn't appreciate when I'd get shitty, I'd try to control myself but it wasn't something I'd ever been able to do long term as in I'd drink until I'd pass out most of the time. I sucked it up in 2014 and went to AA meetings for about 4 months and quit, but I relapsed and after a few months was back to square one. Then the night before thanksgiving in 2014 I went out and got really, really loaded, had to be up the next morning to cook thanksgiving dinner as we were having people over and I woke up so hung over I could barely function. That was the last time I drank, I just said to myself I'm too old for this shit and couldn't stand waking up hung over anymore. Haven't been to an AA meeting, I just litterally stopped having fun drinking and just had enough. Point is with the right frame of mind you can quit and be successful, if your to the point of bad withdrawal you may need to go to rehab and detox. Been there and done that, it's not fun, but you'll get some clean time and they'll give you the tools to be successful if you apply them. If you want to talk more in detail or whoever shoot me a PM, I'd be glad to help in anyway I can.... Ben
I like a drink every other weekend. I never understood alcoholism, or how people get addicted, cos for the most parts alcohol taste like shit.

I hope you get the help you need cos you have people depending on you. Good luck
Sounds like a rough road, but hang in there man. Your pitney needs you whole.
To most people. With alcoholics, the two are more similar than a lot of folk think. I used to justify drinking by saying "At least I'm not a junkie." which is complete bollocks. If I'm actively drinking, I'm as bad as any junkie and the thought processes I go through are pretty much the same.

When I said they're different beasts, I was referring to the fact that heroine can become a physical addiction, as compared to alchoholism which is purely a mental addiction.

And just because it's a mental condition, doesn't mean there's not withdraws.

Just saying, they're two different beasts, different treatments.
When I said they're different beasts, I was referring to the fact that heroine can become a physical addiction, as compared to alchoholism which is purely a mental addiction.

And just because it's a mental condition, doesn't mean there's not withdraws.

Just saying, they're two different beasts, different treatments.

No offense but you're very wrong. People can become physically dependent on alcohol and detox needs to be monitored and medicated.

I tried giving up cold turkey when I was physically dependent on alcohol when I slipped up last year. I had 3 full tonic-clonic seizures in the space of 6 hours, nearly died and spent 3 weeks in hospital. On each of the first 3 days I was given more than 50mg of diazepam to keep the physical withdrawal under control.

It takes a lot of hardcore drinking to become physically dependent on alcohol. Drinking that most people couldn't contemplate over that period of time. Once you're there though, physical withdrawal is a very serious problem.
If you want to have a life with your kids and if you don't want them to thi k their father was a drunk loser then you would check yourself into rehab and bring a picture of them with you to remind yourself why you're there.
I say if you’ve already been through rehab and it didn’t stick, then don’t waste your time with that. You know what to do and how to do it. Now do it!

Good luck.
Like many posters have said, do not go cold turkey, particularly given what you have said about your level of drinking. A poster here had a very very bad time going cold turkey.

Seek professional help bro. It will not be easy but it will be worth it. You have a marrage and your own life to save.

There is a tread on here with a large number of inspiring posters and some very informative posts. Good luck


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