goddamn slammers,


Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
i just came home from a sw tournament and in the first match i got a nice armbar on my opponent from mount, so he rolls over so he stands up and i still got the arm, so the dude lifts me up and tries to slam me on my head (landed on my shoulder) the referee warns him so i cranked the arm untill i felt it pop (he didn't tap untill it did)
why can't people follow the godamn rules, i won the 80kg tourney (i'm like 72kg) but now my shoulder hurts like hell if i move it in some directions or lay on that side,
anyone benn trhough this? :(
spiderguardman said:
i just came home from a sw tournament and in the first match i got a nice armbar on my opponent from mount, so he rolls over so he stands up and i still got the arm, so the dude lifts me up and tries to slam me on my head (landed on my shoulder) the referee warns him so i cranked the arm untill i felt it pop (he didn't tap untill it did)
why can't people follow the godamn rules, i won the 80kg tourney (i'm like 72kg) but now my shoulder hurts like hell if i move it in some directions or lay on that side,
anyone benn trhough this? :(

you did the right thing, pop his arm if he is gonna slam you...eventually he'll learn to follow rules or he'll give up competing because his arm is permanently fucked.

Either way, it's good for the sport.
I was compeiting in the 200+ devision and im 204. Went for a triangle on some dude over 250 he picked me up walked out of the ring so they restarted it in the middle. He took me down hes in my gaurd I go for an armbar he grabs his arm stands up and slams me on my head. He was DQed.
Bite thier fucking noses off. They wanna break the rules, don't one up them....FIVE up them.
Congrats! Sounds like you put on an awesome performance...
spiderguardman said:
i just came home from a sw tournament and in the first match i got a nice armbar on my opponent from mount, so he rolls over so he stands up and i still got the arm, so the dude lifts me up and tries to slam me on my head (landed on my shoulder) the referee warns him so i cranked the arm untill i felt it pop (he didn't tap untill it did)
why can't people follow the godamn rules, i won the 80kg tourney (i'm like 72kg) but now my shoulder hurts like hell if i move it in some directions or lay on that side,
anyone benn trhough this? :(
It's called competition. You did the right thing though by popping his arm.
thanks guys, it was my second no gi tourney so i was glad it wen't so good,in my first i lost to a blue belt by 1advantage, but my shoulder still hurts like hell, i have to hold my head up when i sit up or it hurts, also my knee feels like shit today, my buddy filmed my matches it so hopefully i can get it up here, i also did an standing armdrag to the back garcia style in my second match
in my first post, also the guy who slammed me even though he was a swedish citizen actually looked kinda arab to me,
mmahamzah said:
where does it say he won the tournament?

in my first post, also the guy who slammed me even though he was a swedish citizen actually looked kinda arab to me,