Goddamn Cankersores

Little Mac

Oct 19, 2003
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Is there any way to get rid of them cause i keep taking Lysene but its too slow any remedies cause i have braces and they cut my lip and it hurts them when i have a mouth piece or grapple I need some solutions thanks....
Little Mac said:
Is there any way to get rid of them cause i keep taking Lysene but its too slow any remedies cause i have braces and they cut my lip and it hurts them when i have a mouth piece or grapple I need some solutions thanks....

First off, what is causing them. Are you saying your braces are causing them? If your braces are causing them, ask your dentist to check to see if they need readjusting or can be refitted.

Also, are you taking Lysine to try and prevent them or heal them?

As for helping them heal faster, there are all kinds of ways that are supposed to help.

IMHO, the best method is just to rinse with warm salt water.

Nothing is really proven to help faster healing though, but there is all kind of info out there, like here

canker sores
Are you a vegetarian?
I am and for a while and defiecincy in vitamin B12 was causing me to easily get Cankers. Make sure you're getting your B vitamins and that might help out.
Cankers are also a sign that your immune system is getting it's ass kicked. If your working out heavy and overtraining this might be a problem as well.
But for me making sure my B vitamins were in order totally cleared it up.

good luck
Little Mac said:
Is there any way to get rid of them cause i keep taking Lysene but its too slow any remedies cause i have braces and they cut my lip and it hurts them when i have a mouth piece or grapple I need some solutions thanks....


What I did is for 1 week make them as sore as possible then they (my lips) were numb the rest of the time and I didn't have to worry about them..
Abreva (in a small blue tube) keeps them at bay when I feel them coming on. It's pretty expensive, but worth it to me. I just keep them covered up until I feel that burning sensation go away (usually a day or two). Best thing about it is that it's not all greasy and shiny like other treatments are (Carmex). If you go to a dermatoligist they have some pill you can take once you feel one coming on and it totally wipes the sluts out, but I'm not sure what that stuff was, but it was gnarly.
Glyoxide works wonders. I get them smei-frequently and that stuff is the best.
Brand Nizzle said:
Maybe its da herpes.

As I understood it, this is the only thing that actually causes cankersores. Everything else is just a contributing factor to the likelihood of breakout.
The Herpes Simplex Virus does not cause canker sores, the herpes virus causes cold sores. They are two different types of ulcers.

Its very important that you can differentiate between the two. Cold sores are usually on the outside of the mouth, and usually a sure sign you have the herpes simplex virus, and are very contagious.

Canker sores are usually located in the soft tissue on the inside of the mouth, and are not contagious.

Hippie Ripper you seem to be describing cold sores, and I would strongly suggest anyone who has cold sores, keep contact with other people very limited. It is very easy to spread the Herpes Simplex Virus, and I certaintly would not want to be grappling with a virus infected cold sore.

Many people pass off cold sores as canker sores because they dont want to face the fact they have a STD, but it is very important that you can correctly diagnose between the two.
BoxingFanNoMore said:
The Herpes Simplex Virus does not cause canker sores, the herpes virus causes cold sores. They are two different types of ulcers.

Its very important that you can differentiate between the two. Cold sores are usually on the outside of the mouth, and usually a sure sign you have the herpes simplex virus, and are very contagious.

Canker sores are usually located in the soft tissue on the inside of the mouth, and are not contagious.

Hippie Ripper you seem to be describing cold sores, and I would strongly suggest anyone who has cold sores, keep contact with other people very limited. It is very easy to spread the Herpes Simplex Virus, and I certaintly would not want to be grappling with a virus infected cold sore.

Many people pass off cold sores as canker sores because they dont want to face the fact they have a STD, but it is very important that you can correctly diagnose between the two.

Ah, alright.

I thought 90% of the population had Herpes Simplex?
I dont think the number is quite that high, but you cant really tell because there is no way to accurately test for the virus execpt when an outbreak occurs. The CDC lists 22% of the US as having HSV-2, the one which causes genital outbreaks.

As for HSV-1, the type that causes cold sores, it is a lot more common but there are no well established numbers, I would say under 60% and have seen estimates around 49-53% in the US, in smaller pupulation countries it can be as high as 85% though.
Believe it or not but the Lysterine and Tooth Paste your using is most likely causing your sores. A very common ingrediant called 'sodium lauryl sulfate' is used most tooth pastes and mouth washes, it's used to create foam. Some people are alergic to it like myself and that may be the reason why you are gettin canker sores. You can do a couple of things, first look for tooth paste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. I believe rembrant makes a special tooth paste for canker sore suffers, you can also try Arm and Hammer Tooth Powder or a natural tooth paste but the natural stuff is really expensive. Or you can do what I have done and thoroughly rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth or using mouth wash, and I mean THOROUGHLY! I haven't had an reoccurance for atleast 4 months since trying this method. If your still getting canker sores it could be a gentic thing, as some people's immune system will attack the body usualy when your under stress or your immune system is weak and thus cause canker sores.
Nutmeg will cure them faster than anything but it hurts like a motherfucker.
Hippie Ripper said:
Abreva (in a small blue tube) keeps them at bay when I feel them coming on. It's pretty expensive, but worth it to me. I just keep them covered up until I feel that burning sensation go away (usually a day or two). Best thing about it is that it's not all greasy and shiny like other treatments are (Carmex). If you go to a dermatoligist they have some pill you can take once you feel one coming on and it totally wipes the sluts out, but I'm not sure what that stuff was, but it was gnarly.

This is for cold sores, not canker sores.

For cold sores yes Abreva does kick ass. Especially if you put it on as soon as you see signs of a cold sore approaching.

There is a medicine that you can get over the counter called Kanka. It works really good. You'll start feeling better as soon as you put it on the sores and the next day the sore will be smaller and then the next smaller.
gurgle with some peroxide to clean out your mouth, ive heard that somewhere. JUST DONT SWALLOW IT, rinse out your mouth with it like you would with mouthwash and spit it out....its poisonous i think

and no i just didnt make that up as like an old wives tale, it actually says on the bottle you can use it to cleanse the mouth