Ban.I'd like to see Glover do some BJJ comp
Dricus would fuck glovers shit right upGlover smashes Strickland, goes on to smash DDP.
Strickland has a breakdown.
Nina Marie becomes Glover's side-piece.
Glover moves up in weight.
Poatan moves up to HW.
Glover smashes Hill, retires and sells Nina back to Strickland.
Strickland and Nina ride off into the Sunset on Sean's electric scooter.
Poatan never fights at HW, drops down to MW to smash Khamzat, then retires from MMA before taking up boxing.
haha Fair enough -- I'm just saying, I love the dude and don't want to see him take more damage lolBan.
It's Glover, bro.
This is UFC.
Let him smash.
Glover should just do some grappling, he's old, still sparring, not good for his healthy, he looked like a bodybuilder trying to fight Hill, too slow.
That was ugly, but Glover fought pretty dumb and had the chance to finishWould be amazing if Glover come back and got that fight with Hill again and destroyed him, after Hill was saying he dog walked him
That was ugly, but Glover fought pretty dumb and had the chance to finish
Exactly, he was giving up every TD and never tried to clinch or anything, that fight was winnable as fuckHe needs to use his old man strength to tangle them up on the cage and go from there. He’s miles better than Hill