global warming solution


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2015
Reaction score
the biggest threat of nuclear weapons is not just their immediate localized destructive features, it's the fact that they would kick enough dust and smoke in the atmosphere to significantly cool the planet,8599,1873164,00.html

per study above, if India and Pakistan used their nuclear arsenal on each other, it would make the planet go into full ice age

so if we are worried about the planet heating up why not just drop a couple of big nukes on a couple of desert islands enough to mitigate the effect of greenhouse gasses

boom problem solved

where is my nobel prize?
Stop hurting my mommy, she takes a lot of abuse but watch out if her fuse runs out. Mommy do you think theyll drop the bomb?
Dropping nukes would only wosrsen thigs furher, the real permanent solution would be to free the world of western values.

So you've got this same thread going in the War Room, too.

omg you got me

so embarrassed

Very American: "Can't bombs solve this problem?"
I for one welcome global warming. I live in a land locked, cold ass city with a high elevation. Things are looking up here.
I hope Trump never sees this thread once he becomes president.
I hope Trump never sees this thread once he becomes president.
Doesn't matter. If he gets into office, something is getting nuked anyway. Probably the whole world.

The most obvious solution to global warming is city sized air conditioners. Right?