I am so tired of the distraction and drama with this archaic in effective way of weigh in fighters.
How many fights are we going to be robbed of because of this before we stop to think how completely stupid illogical this whole water cutting thing is.
The entire point of weight classes is to make sure fighters fight at the same weight on fight night, so fighters do not gain an advantage due to being heavier. Does the current weigh in achieve this is any way shape or form???
as most of you know this is what ONE has been doing
“We use an instrument to test the specific gravity of their urine, which tests how much solutes are in their urine,” he continued. “Obviously, the more [solutes] you have, the more dehydrated you are.”
Fighters are tested multiple times for both weight and hydration during fight week. Failure to achieve adequate levels of hydration — or weight — will also result in additional, event-day testing.
“We will not allow our athletes to compete dehydrated,” Franklin said. “But if they happen to be overweight, if they’re hydrated but maybe a half a pound over or something like that, we can negotiate a catchweight. We have parameters for that. They have to be at least 105 percent of their opponent’s weight.”
Obviously there's going to be a lot of changes, weight classes, logistics, contracts etc. I just cannot see this being a worse thing than we have now once all the kinks are figured out.
We get fully healthy hydrated fighters going into the cage AT THE SAME WEIGHT. No more missed fights, no more excuses. Fighters have entire training camp to make sure their NATURAL weight is compliant with the OFFICIAL weight.
Give me reasons why this is a bad idea.
How many fights are we going to be robbed of because of this before we stop to think how completely stupid illogical this whole water cutting thing is.
The entire point of weight classes is to make sure fighters fight at the same weight on fight night, so fighters do not gain an advantage due to being heavier. Does the current weigh in achieve this is any way shape or form???
as most of you know this is what ONE has been doing
“We use an instrument to test the specific gravity of their urine, which tests how much solutes are in their urine,” he continued. “Obviously, the more [solutes] you have, the more dehydrated you are.”
Fighters are tested multiple times for both weight and hydration during fight week. Failure to achieve adequate levels of hydration — or weight — will also result in additional, event-day testing.
“We will not allow our athletes to compete dehydrated,” Franklin said. “But if they happen to be overweight, if they’re hydrated but maybe a half a pound over or something like that, we can negotiate a catchweight. We have parameters for that. They have to be at least 105 percent of their opponent’s weight.”
Obviously there's going to be a lot of changes, weight classes, logistics, contracts etc. I just cannot see this being a worse thing than we have now once all the kinks are figured out.
We get fully healthy hydrated fighters going into the cage AT THE SAME WEIGHT. No more missed fights, no more excuses. Fighters have entire training camp to make sure their NATURAL weight is compliant with the OFFICIAL weight.
Give me reasons why this is a bad idea.