Gif of the Portal Crab Shuffle?


Green Belt
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score

Where can I find this gif please? Maybe with the caption, "sliding in your DM's"
mate that looks stupid as fuck
Ido Portal is a effing fraud. He copied that off of Jacare.

Jacare copied that off of the movement of alligator's. According to Aristotle, that would mean that they have all stolen from NATURE and thusly are of nature.
Only Jacare should be allowed to do that...sweet, I just had a image of Jacare choking out touch butt for stealing his shit.
Only Jacare should be allowed to do that...sweet, I just had a image of Jacare choking out touch butt for stealing his shit.
Is that Allison and friends in your AV?
The video was cut short.

The video ended with Ido pouncing at Connor butt.
there you go, it's exactly from the vid you posted, giffed it for you

Please not now, I don't feel like fucking playing fucking touch butt. I Just came from the gym. I am fucking tired.
Does he also post Vines of him putting his pony tail in a bun?