Gi Review: Tatami Nova Basic BJJ Gi


Blue Belt
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Those who know my opinion on gis know that I am not interested in any BJJ gi above
For the price difference I would just go with the Estillo instead of the Nova. Its much better than the Nova for what you get. The estillo is slightly heavier weave but its a pearl weave instead. The Collar is canvas wrapped and the pants are also canvas. For the 30-40 bucks extra its a better all around Gi.

But if you are on a budget the Nova is pretty bad ass too!! :)
As there is now a new model I thought I'd bump this thread with further details. The main changes seem to be the shoulder patches (which naturally I removed, as I always de-patch my gis), as far as I can tell, plus there is no longer any embroidery:




Short Review: Several BJJ companies now have budget gis available for the beginner. The Nova is Tatami Fightwear's contribution to that market and it's a good one. Lightweight, slim-cut and soft, the Tatami Nova is a strong contender. I'd still recommend a judogi as a first option due to the cheaper price, but as the Nova is

Kinda off topic but that Tuff fightwear gi,how do you rate it quality wise please?I am not interested in it per se but have an eye on other bits of their kit though...?
And it now comes with a white bjj belt :p

Ah, so it didn't used to? Definitely an improvement in that case, especially for a product that is most likely to appeal to beginners buying their first gi. Though the belt isn't great quality, still saves you buying one separately for
It did not, and you're right. It's thoughtful and likely does not cut too much on their margins - good decision on their part! While it isn't exactly a top quality belt it's morethan decent enough especially for white eheh.


Kinda off topic but that Tuff fightwear gi,how do you rate it quality wise please?I am not interested in it per se but have an eye on other bits of their kit though...?
Both Tatami and Black Eagle/Predator have higher quality standards. If they have the equivalent to whatever you're interested in, it's better.
Their first make of the gi was decent, but then they changed the trousers to very crappy ripstop ones which rip left and right. Ugh.

How does the fit compare to the estilo and the zero g? Are the pants the same as the pants that come with the zero g?

How does the fit compare to the estilo and the zero g? Are the pants the same as the pants that come with the zero g?

The Zero G I have is the older version, so it's possible they've changed the trousers. However, if the trousers on the new Zero G are the same, then they're not as soft and thin as the Nova trousers: fairly standard twill trousers.

Difficult to compare fit, as my other Tatami were A2 rather than A1. Having said that, the old Zero G was a bit boxy. The Estilo is good, except the arms are a bit long for me.
Estilo pants were not as fitted imo, but for the new batch Tatami say they've made them less baggy so as far as fitting goes it shouldn't be that different. Will always be though, seeing as both pants have a world of difference between them. Fabric type, fabric weight/density...
how is the shrinkage on these? Have a old nova basic, but it shrank like hell unfortunatly :(
Should be the same, since it's the same gi but with patches rather than embroidery.

On cold it does not shrink a whole lot so if a gi suits you fine, wash it cold.
how is the shrinkage on these? Have a old nova basic, but it shrank like hell unfortunatly :(

So far, washing the new Nova at 30 degrees celsius twice and air-drying, I've only noticed 3cm shrinkage from cuff to cuff and 2cm in the trousers.
how is the shrinkage on these? Have a old nova basic, but it shrank like hell unfortunatly :(

I have a friend who purchased the newer version (that has the shoulder patches.) He is about 5'10" and 160. An A2 shrunk so much that he gave it to his 13yr old daughter and she wears it!
An A2 shrunk so much that he gave it to his 13yr old daughter and she wears it!

Mine has barely shrunk at all, but it depends how hot you wash it and if you throw it in the drier. I always wash at 30 degrees celsius.
Mine has barely shrunk at all, but it depends how hot you wash it and if you throw it in the drier. I always wash at 30 degrees celsius.

He washed it in cold and hung dry it. LOL His daughter is 112lbs and about 5"4. :D The skirt is a bit long on her, but the rest fits her!

I have the older version that I recently picked up for $50. I know it was big when I bought it so I purposefully shrunk it. I'd say it shrunk a good 3/4-1 size by putting in the dryer on medium.

The newer version (with the shoulder patches) is nicer, I think. The collar is MUCH thicker. Mine is so thin that twists during drilling. (I mean it rolls over and I have to flatten it back out.) However, it is SUPER SUPER lightweight. I think it weighs about half of what my Fuji Summerweight does. I do like the pants,though.
He washed it in cold and hung dry it. LOL .

Ha - strange. Not happened to mine so far, but I guess either the setting on his washing machine is different or he hang dries it somewhere hotter than I do. :)
Ha - strange. Not happened to mine so far, but I guess either the setting on his washing machine is different or he hang dries it somewhere hotter than I do. :)

He doesn't like to turn his a/c on. Bet that is the problem. LOL I'm going to tell him that was the problem. :D
What size Tatami nova basic bjj gi would fit me best?

Im 6'2'' and weigh about 190-195.I have long legs,and Im lanky (at least I like to think so :p)
