Getting mad at a UFC fighter for taking PEDs is like..

Getting mad at a hopeful father for taking viagra and fertility supplements or someone suicidal taking anti-depressants. Some people need a lift.

It’s cheating mate.....your comparisons are not comparable
I think usada has had a significant effect on both the extent and degree of ped use in the ufc. There is always going to be cheaters but I'll take micro dosing and cheaters being stripped and suspended over blatant roiding with impunity.
USADA is a sport killer. Fighters missing weight, fighters being injured and having to pull out, fighters pissing hot and getting suspended, fighters gassing because they can't take an IV to rehydrate.

Ban USADA and make UFC great again.

WAR PED's!!!

They were always our friend.

This is a sport of C and D level athletes. Give them all the advantages possible for their success and our entertainment.

Anti PED people are boring and want the sport to be boring.
Getting mad at a hopeful father for taking viagra and fertility supplements or someone suicidal taking anti-depressants. Some people need a lift.

PED's have never really bothered me. They always have and always will be a part of high level athletics. To think otherwise is extremely naive.
what..? taking PEDs in a competitive sport is cheating, in MMA its like the equivalent of coming into the cage with a weapon like brass knuckles.
DOnt get mad at them for taking them. Get mad at them for getting caught.
It's like giving a homeless crackhead money to buy more crack.

you can't get mad at that.
Why would a hopeful father take viagra? Viagra does nothing for your fertility

And generally with suicidal people they try to keep them away from AD's as some can have the reverse of the intended effect

and that about wraps up this thread
Dude, this sport is clean, we are like, tested by the government. -Dana White circa the TRT era.
Officially the worst thread I've ever seen on sherdog. Some people should not be allowed internet access. getting mad at a UFC fighter for trying to sneak loaded gloves into the cage past the ref.
If you're not using PEDs you really don't want to win
Its like getting mad at a teenager for being a Conor fanboy.
Getting mad at a hopeful father for taking viagra and fertility supplements or someone suicidal taking anti-depressants. Some people need a lift.

its like getting mad at a sherbro for starting a shit thread, amirite? ^-^