Gender/race swapping in film is a FAD not progress.

So you'd be okay with a Chinese Blade?
Silly question that is used as a distraction as that misses the point.

In any long running media when the owners of the media see fan fatigue they look to shake up the media with some changes. Some times the changes are just a new character playing the same role (Connery's Bond to Moore's Bond) but other times they are more drastic (Peter Parker's Spiderman to Miles' Spiderman, Thor has already been a Woman, and Goat like character int he comics).

The owner and author is allowed to do that no matter how much nerd rage they face. We literary saw after Pierce Brosnan's Bond many saying Bond was dead as the franchise was getting so silly in trying to reinvent itself and give fans something to cheer. I am a huge Bond fan but almost checked out after these nonsense story lines...


thankfully they went a different direction with Daniel Craig and found a way to re-invent it with grit and gave me my second favorite Bond after Connery.

If they gave Idris Elba the 007 designation for a couple films and focused on British agent in colonial Britain era trying to keep the African and Caribbean colonies under Her Majesties big thumb, I would certainly watch that turn. But we also know many here would scream bloody murder despite the fact that Black agents certainly served in her Majesties Secret service. That type of reactionary backlash is just silly.

Can there be legit complaints if in fact the character, the way they are written is key to the source material? Yes, of course. But 90+% of the time that is not the case (as I can prove by showing you how many changes to long running media are made) and it is simply an ocean of tears from people who think pandering should only be done to them, and not to those OTHERS.
Based on real events?...

That's like making a movie about Napoleon Bonapart helping the South win the Civil War...

Take a lil bit of this and a lil bit of and then voila!... a white guy becoming the Last Samurai!!!...

Never happened though...

Hes not a samurai
Stop trolling.
Not one ouce of intended trolling ion that post.

it is 1005 true that the female characters almost all looked like versions of that to appeal to an almost all white male boy and man audience. The audience changes and suddenly you go from this


to this


And you nerd rage as you want EVERY character to appeal to you.

Sorry but they still give you (us) 90+% of the characters but a small percent will be changed to be more relate-able to others ( women, ethnics) in the audience whether you or I like it or not. I would prefer every female character in the Movie Universe to look more like the CBU characters. but they don't GAF about giving us 100% of what we want, and ... they shouldn't. Crocodile tears aside.

if you intend that as a joke, I can give you hundreds of examples over a hundred years of film that did just that with fictional and ACTUAL historic characters.

Do you know how many f*cks were given when they did it? do you want to know how many Oscars those films received?
wasn't it though? Or would you and @Lucifer Alpha call this AsleepAF because no gave a f*ck and now you think it would be ZOMG what a shock Ryan as MLK when that was EXACTLY what has been done for over one hundred years.




Marianne Pearl

Genghis Khan


King Tut

Jeff Ma

and we could go on and on for pages as I just focused on a few REAL LIFE and not fictional characters.

Do we want to go into fiction

"Based on" a true story.

So your point is they took a true story that had no white savior or guy there, and when they made a movie they added a white guy (savior) in and that makes it ok because it was based on a true story without a white guy.

you completely still miss the WHY they are doing that? What the goal of the film makers are or were.

Sorry but you cannot be helped.

It was the type of pandering @Lucifer Alpha thinks somehow ethnics would be 'zomg NEVER...' about as if we have not seen it done already 10,000 times. there is only one group crying crocodile tears about the changes and that is the group that got used to everything being catered to them. there complaint is literally 'ME, ME, ME, make it about me STILL or I will stamp my feet and cry. Those OTHER people need to fade back into the background and be happy getting replaces like it was in the good ole days'.
wasn't it though? Or would you and @Lucifer Alpha call this AsleepAF because no gave a f*ck and now you think it would be ZOMG what a shock Ryan as MLK when that was EXACTLY what has been done for over one hundred years.




Marianne Pearl

Genghis Khan


King Tut

Jeff Ma

and we could go on and on for pages as I just focused on a few REAL LIFE and not fictional characters.

Do we want to go into fiction


There's no proof of cleopatras ethnicity
I think they're remaking Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with female leads. I don't know why because the hook in that movie was that the woman ended up hustling the fuck out of both of them.
I'm not rustled. Don't know what you're on about.

The point of the thread is that the current pandering is still pandering. Does that rustle you?

Blackface was a fad
White savior is a fad

THIS is a fad.

Don't put words in my mouth.

If it's a fad, it's going to be a fad into the next 100 years at least. You better get used to it because it's not going to change unless we have a drastic reallignment in the world's population.

And you are rustled. So stop pretending otherwise.
There's no proof of cleopatras ethnicity
Does that make your case?

So if there was would you cede I was right? Is this all about her specifically and if she was darker skinned and they plopped in a white actress you would be 'oh- ok'?

No i don't think you would. I think your reasoning would just spin off in another direction as that has nothing to do with your point. And if it does we can go thru the rest of them and you can try and say none of them are proven to be other than white.

For the rest of us, the point AGAIN going over your head, is regardless the reason they CHOOSE to portray her that way instead of as an ethnic as they also could have was because of the audience they were pandering too.

It has been the exact same pandering for over a hundred years of film.

Here is Al Jolson portrayed in a 1925 movie. !9 frikkin 25. Almost 10 years of this


zomg @Lucifer Alpha, what if they got a white guy to play a black icon? ZOMG would Hollywood or anyone stand for it. LMFAO.
If it's a fad, it's going to be a fad into the next 100 years at least. You better get used to it because it's not going to change unless we have a drastic reallignment in the world's population.

I doubt it. What film has really taken off? Ghostbusters was a failure. Atomic Blonde (basically female bond) wasnt a huge success. Oceans 8: Failure.
Does that make your case?

So if there was would you cede I was right? Is this all about her specifically and if she was darker skinned and they plopped in a white actress you would be 'oh- ok'?

No i don't think you would. I think your reasoning would just spin off in another direction as that has nothing to do with your point. And if it does we can go thru the rest of them and you can try and say none of them are proven to be other than white.

For the rest of us, the point AGAIN going over your head, is regardless the reason they CHOOSE to portray her that way instead of as an ethnic as they also could have was because of the audience they were pandering too.

It has been the exact same pandering for over a hundred years of film.

Here is Al Jolson portrayed in a 1925 movie. !9 frikkin 25. Almost 10 years of this


zomg @Lucifer Alpha, what if they got a white guy to play a black icon? ZOMG would Hollywood or anyone stand for it. LMFAO.

So you agree you don't know what ethnicity she was. So they could make her whichever one they wanted.