Garcia in MMA


Green Belt
Jul 25, 2005
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How wuld he success in MMA? He is a master on the ground but is it enaugh to success in MMA?
I dont know if he traines any standup or wrestling. But today you have to if you wana be competitive on the top levels.
who knows? it's all speculation untill he gets punched in the face for the first time
He'd have to change his game up pretty drastically. I'd hate to see what someone would do if tried to pull X-gaurd.
He'd have to change his life style just for MMA... I mean the guy trains BJJ with gi everyday and 1 day without gi.. imagine putting MMA into thought.... how much hed have to change.. I think hell do well, but you won't see him competing in too many BJJ tourneys anymore..
jacare tried and he was koed by macaco
he won another fight, but his skill in mma doesnt compare with his skill in submission grp.
Garcia has such a different BJJ style to what is typically used in MMA by JJ specialists like Noguiera. He doesn't really play closed guard and that could be a problem.

I dont think I've ever seen an arm drag in MMA.
mikeffd said:
Garcia has such a different BJJ style to what is typically used in MMA by JJ specialists like Noguiera. He doesn't really play closed guard and that could be a problem.

I dont think I've ever seen an arm drag in MMA.

i remember nog trying one on fedor. i think he swept someone else with one once, but i cant remember.
garcia is a smart/technical fighter. if he was really passionate about getting into MMA, i think he'd do very well.

he made all the right adjustments for his transition from GI to NO-GI...he's hands down one of the best NO-GI fighters out there.

he's mentioned that he's interested in getting into MMA...but it sounds like he just wants to try it out because it makes a lot more money then what he's doing now...but he said he will always enjoy pure grappling the most. i'm personally excited and can't wait for him to make his MMA debut...i hope he does well.
Anyone with that much experience and skill, whether BJJ, Judo, Sambo, or Wrestling could do well in mma. The potential is totally there, but putting it into action, well... Look at Yoshida as compared to Yoon Dong Sik. There's a huge spectrum of possibilities. As Blandy said, can he take a knuckle sandwich to his grill? I'd love to seem him crossover. He ought to put in a year of no-gi on the mat and hook up with a boxing/ kickboxing team during that time period also.

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