Gamer Art/Setups/Memes

Yeah. A lot of them call her "Ashley the Space-Racist" whereas Mordin, who *checking my notes* sterilized an entire race, is considered so fun and quirky. Bizarre.
Its because he can sing


Ricky invented the counter years before the operator even came out.
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Yeah. A lot of them call her "Ashley the Space-Racist" whereas Mordin, who *checking my notes* sterilized an entire race, is considered so fun and quirky. Bizarre.

Or Miranda working for the human-supremacist organization is easily ignored because she has a big ass.
Or Miranda working for the human-supremacist organization is easily ignored because she has a big ass.
@GearSolidMetal Did you know about this?

Didn't know about that one.

Kinda surprising I'm just learning about it 26 years after its release.

And its kinda weird. TVs back then could be hooked up to stereo sound systems, but they're not systematically connected to the PS1. So imagine seeing that in the game while playing with a stereo sound system.
I remember this ad in magazines like EGM that didn't cover PC games. 3dfx had to apologize for it.
This was also sometime in 99 when 3dfx went to shit (after having over 80% market share at the end of 98).