So is there any other twist for tomorrow's episode? Jon Snow vs Ramsay, Boltons get the upper hand until Darth Littlefinger saves the day. Seems like we're missing something.
So maybe Tommen gets stuck in a burning tower and has to jump to his death to prevent himself from burning. Cercei is going to watch and be destroyed in anguish.
I rickon so...So rickon was a waste of time
Varys and Olenna are marvelous characters played by amazing actors. I wonder if that can Ellaria can ruin that scene. She probably will IMO. Fuck that shit.additional info re: episode 10
- Varys meets wth Ellaria and Olenna in Dorne to probably unite Dorne and the Reach (leaked filming showed the three of them filming together in Spain back in the day so I assume this is in ep 10)
- Sam and a Maester speak in Oldtown (again, info leaked from back when they were filming
- Littlefinger talks to Jon in the Winterfell gods wood (trailer shot- prob not until ep 10)
Varys and Olenna are marvelous characters played by amazing actors. I wonder if that can Ellaria can ruin that scene. She probably will IMO. Fuck that shit.
Nothing about the tower of joy in those leaks or anything to do with Bran, Meera or Coldhands/Benjen.
I call bullshit.
so the show now is basically a "what if" version from the books correct?
No, the show will tell you the ultimate fate of all major characters, and by omission and composite characters, which characters were never all that important to begin with. Also, the show runners wrote the core of the sixth book and debuted it on screen, leaving Martin to play sandbox with doomed tertiary characters, and to describe various feasts and internal mythology unrelated to the central story
D&D have said that they didn't plan ahead with having the Dorne arc and only included it because of Oberyn's popularity.I agree re: Varys and Olenna however I do think the actress who plays Ellaria is a good actress who's character is suffering from extremely poor writing. They essentially attempted to morph the character into Arianne (book only) and it comes across as lazy. Dorne= GOTs coathanger abortion due to D&D not fully committing to a complex subplot. They took several dynamic characters and dumbed them down significantly.