Gaining Weight


Jun 9, 2005
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hey guys, i know that a few days ago i said that i had to lose 10 to 15 pounds for wrestling, but my coach now wants me to wrestle at 171. I now have to GAIN 10 pounds. Any suggestions on what could help me gain some muscle weight in about a month??? i was thinking about using some protein shakes. any suggestions?
3000-4000 cals a day, never stop eating. Have a small meal every few hours! Have 40+grams of protine when you go to sleep and in the morning. There's also a trick where you have a shake at 4am. cause that's the time (for most people) where your GH are at their highest. Also hitting the weights help, but work for mass.
monkey roll said:
3000-4000 cals a day, never stop eating. Have a small meal every few hours! Have 40+grams of protine when you go to sleep and in the morning. There's also a trick where you have a shake at 4am. cause that's the time (for most people) where your GH are at their highest. Also hitting the weights help, but work for mass.
this is good advice. Also stay away from heavy cardio. don't want to burn too many calories.
Nutrition Info is based on cumulative totals I've compiled from the various individual ingredients. You can use 2% milk, but I use 1% because there's almost as much calories as the 2% but there's less saturated fat.

Nutrition Info:

618 calories
15 g fat
3 g saturated fat
35 mg cholesterol
136 mg sodium
24 g sugar
82 g carb
45 g protein


250 mL 1% Milk
1 serving Yogurt (Danone Silhouette 0%)
1 medium Banana
1/2 cup rolled oats (ie Quaker Oats)
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter

Use for breakfast & post-workout. For during the day & before bed, substitute the whey w/ Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Protein.
for bulking up i make shakes with 1/2 cup shelled peanuts, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 2 banana's, 1/4 cup milk & 1/2 a pint of vanilla ice cream. i drink the shake before every meal. i've gained 22 lbs in the last 1 1/2 months.
blownards said:
for bulking up i make shakes with 1/2 cup shelled peanuts, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 2 banana's, 1/4 cup milk & 1/2 a pint of vanilla ice cream. i drink the shake before every meal. i've gained 22 lbs in the last 1 1/2 months.

Kentpope, ignore this.

HP Nut, that was a great post, and that's a great shake. If you really want to gain some weight, you might consider a weight gainer like Cytogainer or N-Large II as the powder to substitute for the whey. Drink one of these in the morning, and one after your workout. I'd say a 1/2 serving of weight gainer in each for a full serving (around 600 calories) just from the powder on the day. If you eat everything else you've been eating, and train hard, that 600 calories a day will put on a pound a week. Realistically, you can't lean gain faster than that without steroids (or at least shouldn't expect to), and since you're a wrestler, this is crucial, since you can't afford fat. So don't gain more than a pound a week. If you're already achieving that, then you're fine what you're doing. I understand you have a desire to help your team and realize your potential, but don't let your coach rush this. It can't be rushed.

Also, stick the weight gainers I mentioned. Many others have high amounts of fat, so they'd ruin the shake post-workout. The two I mentioned are more adaptable because of this, which is great, since it keeps you from buying a bunch of different powders.
Kentpope said:
hey guys, i know that a few days ago i said that i had to lose 10 to 15 pounds for wrestling, but my coach now wants me to wrestle at 171. I now have to GAIN 10 pounds. Any suggestions on what could help me gain some muscle weight in about a month??? i was thinking about using some protein shakes. any suggestions?

lol this is great! Eat 2 of those sandwiches from the 30000 cal sub thread. :D