Hey guys,
The website is mine, and I made the video...a few comments:
Salta - The right cross followed by a right Thai kick is not a basic combination I teach beginners, although it is a very simple combination that beginners are certainly capable of training. It's part of a training drill I use to get people comfortable combining punches and kicks. The Thai kick is pretty natural to throw after a cross. This is a very basic progression that I use to get beginners comfortable with sparring.
I generally teach and train using the jab to set up the cross... Again, this is a video of a basic sparring progression that is one minute and forty seconds. It's not comprehensive.
888Shogun888 - Glad you like the jeans and t-shirts! I teach self-defense. This video was shot in my driveway, in the French Quarter, as I was pressed for time. Would you prefer me to have worn a gi? I guess I could have worn workout shorts and been shirtless... Most people visiting a self-defense website don't have problems with people in every day clothing.
DrBdan - I try not to take myself too seriously. Check out the video on the About Us page.
Nefron - Exactly...the punch creates the opportunity for the kick. That's the point of the exercise.
In the not too distant future I'll try to add video/content that you guys might approve of!