Funny high school stories?


Orange Belt
Mar 29, 2012
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Any funny stories? Mines is mostly you have to be there kind of stories so id rather not say them lol.
I already posted this in another thread but i'll post it here as well to get your thread rolling.

My music teacher (all of 5'8 and not even 160lbs) was a legit Black Belt in Hapkido and BJJ (trained with Anthony Perosh and Elvis Sinosic).

Anyway, in music class one day this feral kid gets in a fight with another feral kid (both around 17-18 and both in excess of 6' tall). Music teacher manages to separate them. They yell a lot of shit around him and the teacher asks them (nicely and diplomatically) to stop. One of the feral kids throws a looping haymaker at the music teacher, who ducks the punch and secures a deep standing arm triangle choke. The kid begs for mercy and is let go.

The teacher turns and sees the other kid is going in for a second helping of his weakened foe. He quickly changes his mind when the music teacher eyeballs him. He turns again and the kid who he was choking is throwing another punch at him (the exact same looping right). He again ducks and secures the arm triangle (except that he doesn't let go this time when the kid begs for mercy). At this point the Vice Principal is in the doorway to the classroom, and yells for the music teacher to let go.

Music teacher says nothing and releases the choke. I watch in awe as the kid crumples in a lifeless heap on the floor. The room was so quiet I heard the thump as his ass struck the carpet.

Best part of the story. The music teacher not only still has a job as a teacher; he still teaches at the same school!
Once, these two black dudes were about to fight in one of my classes. One was light skinned, and the other was super dark. As they're talking shit, the light skinned one says, "N-word, you so dark, you purple."

I really had to try not to laugh. I knew the dark skinned dude, and he would have not only fucked that other guy up, but would have completely kicked my ass as well.
There was this one random kid who would always break dance in the hallways during lunch. I already thought it was pretty weird. Anyway, one day he was break dancing and he messed up somehow and hit his head off the floor and broke his glasses and his nose was bleeding. Funny shit at the time.

Never seen the kid ever again, I think he embarrassed himself so bad he might have changed schools.
My friend and I were waiting for the bus after school one day when across the street we noticed a Cholo lookin' kid looking very menacing. As soon as we noticed him and he looked at us, he the put his mean mug on us. My friend didn't back down continue to stare right at him right in the eyes until Teh Cholo ran across the street came up to me friend stood eye to eye with him and shouted "why you mad dawging me foo!?" my friend responded with "Sorry, but I don't know that sex position." this threw the kid for a loop he didn't know what so he pretend nothing happen and walked away.
Lol i bet people were quiet during the class for the rest of the year haha
and lol i went to a continuation school that had a pretty bad rep and one time this crackhead got in a fight with a homosexual guy the homosexual was the one trying to fight him because of some glasses idk but he tries to throw a punch the crackhead says he dont want to fight because hes on probation but the homosexual threw a punch anyways so the crackhead gets him and suplexes on the cafeteria floor then starts kicking him then his other crackhead friend gets in and does the same then some girl who doesnt even go to the school gets in and hits one of the crackheads making his hat fall of they start running but then 1 of the crackhead comes back 10 sec later to get the hat he throws a version of the hammerfist of doom then runs again ha brutal but funny i felt bad for the kid after everybody said alot of shit to him
My friend and I were waiting for the bus after school one day when across the street we noticed a Cholo lookin' kid looking very menacing. As soon as we noticed him and he looked at us, he the put his mean mug on us. My friend didn't back down continue to stare right at him right in the eyes until Teh Cholo ran across the street came up to me friend stood eye to eye with him and shouted "why you mad dawging me foo!?" my friend responded with "Sorry, but I don't know that sex position." this threw the kid for a loop he didn't know what so he pretend nothing happen and walked away.

lol ibet he smacked his lips and walked off to his friends that happens alot over here its pretty funny sometimes messed up tho
Lol i bet people were quiet during the class for the rest of the year haha

yeah for sure :icon_lol:

the feral kid that he choked out even tried to join the martial arts club where the music teacher is an assistant instructor a few weeks later. He didn't even get to put his white belt on, he washed out during the first fitness session.
I was in biology class. Each desk had an electric socket for miscroscope use. I didn't think much of it but I grabbed a paper clip and put that bitch into the socket.

The room lights flickered on and off and there were sparks in the socket.

My biology teacher then said "Thank goodness there's not enough power to electrocute the wise ones in those sockets."

Teacher was cool as fuck and didn't even give me a detention. He also told the story to his next class, probably how much of a dumbass I was.
yeah for sure :icon_lol:

the feral kid that he choked out even tried to join the martial arts club where the music teacher is an assistant instructor a few weeks later. He didn't even get to put his white belt on, he washed out during the first fitness session.

Ha my school was for problem students and there was a school next to us that was for worse kids and they had a teacher that had dreadlock and he was one mean mofo so we were in class and my friend opens a door connecting to the next classroom and the teacher tells him "shut the dam door" and my friend whispered "predator looking as motherfu#$%er" then the teacher opens the door he was like "what you say boy" ha my friend just stood there and said nothing his voice cracked too it was pretty funny haha
There was this one random kid who would always break dance in the hallways during lunch. I already thought it was pretty weird. Anyway, one day he was break dancing and he messed up somehow and hit his head off the floor and broke his glasses and his nose was bleeding. Funny shit at the time.

Never seen the kid ever again, I think he embarrassed himself so bad he might have changed schools.

Lulz thats messed up i feel bad for him it was probably funny at that time we had a kid like that too he's a crack addict now tho kind of sucks but ehh
My friend and another kid smoked a joint right in the middle of class. It blows my fucking mind the teacher never caught them since the classroom was small as fuck. They were literally smoking it like 10 feet away from him the entire time.
My friend and another kid smoked a joint right in the middle of class. It blows my fucking mind the teacher never caught them since the classroom was small as fuck. They were literally smoking it like 10 feet away from him the entire time.

i remember alot of kids snorted coke during class but that's harder to catch i think your teacher knew but just let them go i rememberd we got these girls to box in class haha fun times
I remember a couple of kids getting into a fight out in the parking lot, one a sophomore and the other a senior. The sophomore was pretty plastered and he Leben'd out; took his shirt off and started stomping around, capped off by him smashing his own head through the rear windshield to the senior's car. Said senior proceeded to beat the sophomore's ass.
Lulz thats messed up i feel bad for him it was probably funny at that time we had a kid like that too he's a crack addict now tho kind of sucks but ehh

He would break dance on request, too. He was actually pretty good at it as well, he was doing crazy shit. Messed up once, hurt himself, never seen him again. This was like 5-6 years ago now.
I was in biology class. Each desk had an electric socket for miscroscope use. I didn't think much of it but I grabbed a paper clip and put that bitch into the socket.

The room lights flickered on and off and there were sparks in the socket.

My biology teacher then said "Thank goodness there's not enough power to electrocute the wise ones in those sockets."

Teacher was cool as fuck and didn't even give me a detention. He also told the story to his next class, probably how much of a dumbass I was.

Reminds me of 4th grade. The teacher was reading a story to us and I had a random paper clip, and I don't know why, but I stuck it into a wall outlet or whatever and the lights turned off and sparks flew out of the light. I didn't really get hurt at all, I didn't even feel a shock, my hair stood up though but I didn't feel anything from it really.

Teacher was like "OMG ARE YOU OKAY?" and I was like "yeah? I'm fine.." and pulled the paper clip out of the outlet. A week or two later, the teacher (for some reason) was standing on her chair, she fell off and broke her arm. So we had a substitute for a while.
I was in science class in grade 10 central Canada. We had been working with bunson burners and beakers of all sorts and were cleaning up. I dropped a beaker and it broke in half. For some strange reason I can't explain I looked at this dorky kid next to me, and pretended we were knife fighting and slashed out at him. He raised his arm towards me to deflect and the beaker and his forearm briefly made contact. We both in a state of shock stared at his arm. For a few seconds there was a perfect 4 inch open section of his arm and we were looking at his bone. It then filled with blood and he spazzed and ran out of the room. It happened so fast the teacher didn't even realize. A few minutes later I got called to the office by the principal. I tweaked the story to say it was a total accident and the kid hadn't said what happened. The kid went to his doctor to get sutured and his doctor asked him what happened. He told him that a kid in his science class has slashed him with a beaker. His doctor asked him if he kicked the kids ass? No he said it was an accident. Later that night I got home and was having dinner and my dad started telling me a story of a kid that came to his office for stitches after being stabbed at my school. My dad was a g.p and the kid was his patient. Again the kid never told my dad it was me who cut him. The next day I saw the kid and he told me my dad told him to kick my ass. And we kinda laughed at the random irony. I still can't believe that I did that it was so stupid and careless. Dumbest thing I have ever done.
Reminds me of 4th grade. The teacher was reading a story to us and I had a random paper clip, and I don't know why, but I stuck it into a wall outlet or whatever and the lights turned off and sparks flew out of the light. I didn't really get hurt at all, I didn't even feel a shock, my hair stood up though but I didn't feel anything from it really.

Teacher was like "OMG ARE YOU OKAY?" and I was like "yeah? I'm fine.." and pulled the paper clip out of the outlet. A week or two later, the teacher (for some reason) was standing on her chair, she fell off and broke her arm. So we had a substitute for a while.
Hee-haw! Damien! Hee-haw! Damien! 666. Devil Child. DAMIEN.
Hee-haw! Damien! Hee-haw! Damien! 666. Devil Child. DAMIEN.

One time i was in the showers after PE class. The teacher came in a touched my private places......oh said funny story, not sad story.