For my money, a good, natural casing hotdog from the deli with mustard, relish and chopped onion is all you need.Yuck
That's what I do. If you make your own dogs you can add the cheese and peppers right into the mix and its amazing.Cheese and jalapenos.
Never tried it myself but it can't not work.
That's what I do. If you make your own dogs you can add the cheese and peppers right into the mix and its amazing.
<{cruzshake}>They put cream cheese on their hot dogs here in Seattle. Shit is disgusting as fuck.
Making burgers is more accessible due to not needing a machine to do it. Same basic idea though, and I also do it with my burgers.I used to do that with burgers, sometimes mix it in with the meat and sometimes the cheese and jalapenos would be in a pocket in the middle. Never tried making hotdogs.