Fruit Juice question.


Brown Belt
Jun 18, 2005
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i drink alot of water, and green tea, but get a little bored with them. Sometimes in the morning i have a can of Kern's fruit juice.. It is high in carbs but i drink it in the morning so i burn them off over the course of the day.

My question is, is that still ok, or should i limit juices.. or what are some acceptible fruit juices i can drink?
Jesus Christ man, a can of fruit juice in the morning never hurt anyone.
Broken Fist said:
Jesus Christ man, a can of fruit juice in the morning never hurt anyone.


laughing out loud by reading something off a computer screen (without pictures) has to be one of the best types of laughing.
Grapefruit juice is good.

Grapefruit juice can actually help you lose weight when added to your diet. There's indication that grapefruit can help with insulin resistance. I've recently begun adding grapefruit to my diet, typically the juice of a grapefruit before dinner, which tends to be my largest meal, and sometimes lunch as well.
Try drinking natural fruit juice. Most of the canned crap is jammed full of various freshener chemicals or sugar and calories. Try juicing on your own, tastes better too.
Unsweetened crannberry juice is the best. Its good for your kidneys
Yea fresh juice wold be better or maybe some organic stuff.
Fructose naturally occurs in fruit. High Fructose Corn Syrup does not. Check the label.
a can of fruit juice isnt the best thing you can drink obviously, but its not gonna hurt you in anyway either
moodymikey said:
a can of fruit juice isnt the best thing you can drink obviously, but its not gonna hurt you in anyway either

That's partially true. Too much sugar in your diet will hurt you, so 4-5 cans of fruit juice a day...yeah, that's gonna screw you.
Madmick said:
That's partially true. Too much sugar in your diet will hurt you, so 4-5 cans of fruit juice a day...yeah, that's gonna screw you.

naw, i just have one in the morning, either with, or for breakfast
Fruit juice is highly overrated in general mass perception of it's nutrition, essentially, all fruit juice is, is water, naturally occurring sugar(fructose), and small doses of vitamins and antioxidants.

Assuming you already take a proper athlete formula multi-vitamin, and have a relatively healthy diet, fruit juices are highly unnecesarry for their nutrition, and only serve to be a sugary snack. However if you enjoy them, their is no harm in having a glass or two throughout the day, especially in the morning when your body is in a negative nitrogen balance and also needs an insulin spike... If you are trying to cut weight, stick to water and multivitamins. And get your carb sources from solid whole foods such as whole wheat bread, or sweet potatos...

And apple juice, although it contains alot of sugar, also should contain naturally occuring pectin, which slows carbohydrate absorbtion and lowers the glycemic index of the juice.
Does the organic or all natural juices have any other benefits? I drink an Odwalla once or twice a week and it seems like it would have some sort of a benefit.

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