Frozen Bananas...


Black Belt
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, this is a little off the cuff, but does anyone elses shakes taste totaly different if they use bananas they have froze? And I don't mean just a little frozen or different, but frozen solid and totaly different, kind of chemical.....
If this is not just me, does anyone else have any solutions or tips? I have found some pretty good ideas from shake recipes here, but I have always used bananas and now it is so different.... I kind of worry about some kind of freezer burning food poisoning, but I will have drank it already, so there is no real reason for concern on anyone elses part.
Anyways, if this is normal, does anyone have any substitute for my so loved banana? Something besides berrie, if possible.
I don't understand what you're asking. Are you asking for a substitute because your shakes taste bad? Or because they taste so good you can't believe it? Freezing bananas is an old trick to combine banana use and ice use. A lot of clients at my store do this. Though I would encourage not a WHOLE banana. And freezing them actually usually preserves them a bit longer than they'd normally last. But you're liable to get the shits using them on a daily basis.

If you're looking for something sweet but without the sugar, that's going to be a bit tough. Berries are the usual answer for that. Natural honey could do, then again so could a teaspoon of splenda or something.

My current protein shake recipe is as follows:

2 scoops ON Vanilla 100% Whey Protein
4 ice cubes
2 tablespooons of Apple Cinnamon Lecithin Granules
1/3 of a banana

If I use the chocolate (I'm not a fan of chocolate so that's rare) I use unflavored Lecithin and no banana chunk.

If I drink Muscle Milk (lesser these days) then I use nothing but the ice.

And I mix everything with 2 cups of skim milk.

Other things I've heard added to protein shakes for nutritional purposes:

Flax seeds for fiber and good fats.
Oatmeal for fiber (unflavored oats).
Peanut Butter (gag) for added protein.
Ah, I obviously did not explain that well, the bananas in the shake tasted terrible, so much so that despite my decision to just chug through it, I was feeling terrible after not even half of it.
Anyways, I think I will try your above mix, and real honey is something that I didn't think of, though I almost always put it in my tea, so I have a lot around.
If frozen bananas taste so bad, why are you freezing them?

Guys only freeze bananas because they prefer the flavor/consistency.
I've never tried freezing bananas, but it looks interesting. Do you freeze them in the peel?
bdweezil6998 said:
I've never tried freezing bananas, but it looks interesting. Do you freeze them in the peel?

peel them and put them in a tuperware container or something. if you freeze them in the peel you'll have to take some time and cut the frozen peel off the banana. it's a pain in the ass.
brother shamus said:
peel them and put them in a tuperware container or something. if you freeze them in the peel you'll have to take some time and cut the frozen peel off the banana. it's a pain in the ass.

Thanks. I'll have to give it a try.