Front Row Brian : 'Rumour is Nate Diaz made $3.5m'

Changed his bum life. No more riding shotgun in the Honda.
Just might get around to paying them taxes.......maybe.
Seems fair I guess and good for him. Hopefully he retires and spends it on real estates.
"hey bro i have a rumor that i just came out with" - front row brian
well, it would be cool, but its frb
its sad af that he has to pay 1.7 million in taxes, i would def not pay that. its straight robbery that someone can take half of what u make just cuz its the rules...
That's one big bag of weed he's going to get
My source told me he made $350 million and bought a yacht. We may never see Nate Diaz again.

its sad af that he has to pay 1.7 million in taxes, i would def not pay that. its straight robbery that someone can take half of what u make just cuz its the rules...

You don't have to pay it...ask his brother Nick about that.

Rules are dumb, btw...
Hopefully he doesn't blow through it irresponsibly. 3 million can disappear astonishingly quick if not used wisely.
Nate Diaz just went parabolic
the last line pretty much says it all. he deserves it.
Rumour is FrontRowBrian is a hack.

No wait... that's been confirmed.
Half a mil in purse from the ufc, $50 from Reebok.... what's the rest from, ppv points?
Lol pulled that number out of his ass