Fresh fish in a balanced diet?


White Belt
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
can someone offer a guide or some advice? i have what i consider a very good diet and have made some improvements recently i will be posting a food diary soon, but one thing that i am never sure on is how much is too much when talking bout red meat and fresh fish?
i currently have 2-3 steaks each week lean of course and maybe 5 portions of fresh fish, mainly salmon. is that too much?
2-3 steaks and 5 pieces of fish per week? How much do you weigh and what are your diet goals? Taking those into account I suggest you get an idea of your overall caloric intake and see what contribution they are making towards your goal.

That and read the FAQ for an idea of how to better gauge this kind of thing yourself.
Damn...I'm thinkin you're a big guy. With a lot of money to be eating 3-5 Lean steaks every week lol
i weigh 173lbs my main goals are to loose body fat but not overall weight, i am training heavily on cardio. lol they are not too expensive over here.
People sometimes recommend frozen fish on here because since it's flash-frozen and shipped immediately it tends to be "fresher" than the fish you buy "fresh".
thanks all i needed as long as i wasnt going too over the top with it, i just love them both!
People sometimes recommend frozen fish on here because since it's flash-frozen and shipped immediately it tends to be "fresher" than the fish you buy "fresh".

heh not here, all my fish is bought fresh, as in the day its caught, i am very close to a shipping port!! *lucky me!*
I honestly don't think you can eat too much fish, unless it's swordfish or tuna or some other type that contains above-average quantities of mercury.
Salmon runs about $7+ a lb where i am, so i eat canned salmon. i make sure to get the stuff that doesnt have the fat removed, and its only $2 for a 16 oz can. im sure its not as good as fresh salmon, but its better than nothing. ill usually take half a can, throw in a raw egg, some yellow mustard, and eat it over raw spinach and broccoli. good stuff.
I eat fresh fish every single day , my backyard is the beach a huge lake I catch massve walleye to eat always .
I eat fresh fish every single day , my backyard is the beach a huge lake I catch massve walleye to eat always .

can i ask with that amount of fish
1. does it effect the amount of fish oil as a supplement you take?
2. do you cut other things down in the diet in order to maintain the levels you need?
I dont take fish oil all the time but i pop a few caps a day but only a few times a week .
im not too sure what the seconed question means but if you are talking about other meats then yes they are cut down I like to get one good steak dinner a week and chicken on friday , chops every once in a blue moon but on those days I might even be eating fish for lunch or a snack .. hey if the freezers full of it and fishing is a hobby of mine and my backyard is a beautiful lake then why not .