Free UFC official Charles Oliveira comics


This is actually a really cool idea... You get a lot of cartoonized posters and so on, Pride had anime intros, but there's very few drawn stories out there...

Reminds me of this.

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Charles really is the people's champ of Brazil. He gives the people of the favelas hope, and is an inspiration.
did same guy do the damage comic?
if so. that damage comic is one of my favorite fighter strips ever.

comic has a champ
props to the creator
is there alot of "porra!" in the dialogue? then count me in
Anyone who can give cliffs of the written content? I'm assuming its about feeding buses with carrots
i'd love to read that in english, it looks pretty dope!
This is really good, the love for Charlie is truly great to see. It's a bit shocking honestly, he doesn't speak a lick of english but even people outside of Brazil love him because he is just a really nice and humble dude.

Anyone who can give cliffs of the written content? I'm assuming its about feeding buses with carrots
The comic shows Charles defending his belt against someone, he gets beat up and loses in the first round but he starts to come back strong right at he end of it.
We then cut back to his childhood, we see how sickly he was as a kid and how many people doubted him.
With the support of his family he recovers and submits the dude he was fighting, we then see him celebrate in the ring with his family. It's a very positive comic, really captures what Charles is about.
This is really good, the love for Charlie is truly great to see. It's a bit shocking honestly, he doesn't speak a lick of english but even people outside of Brazil love him because he is just a really nice and humble dude.

The comic shows Charles defending his belt against someone, he gets beat up and loses in the first round but he starts to come back strong right at he end of it.
We then cut back to his childhood, we see how sickly he was as a kid and how many people doubted him.
With the support of his family he recovers and submits the dude he was fighting, we then see him celebrate in the ring with his family. It's a very positive comic, really captures what Charles is about.

Thanks dude, I actually stayed 5 months in Brazil last year after running away from troubles. Learned some of the language but was mostly related to getting 25-year brasilieras and blow.
War Charles, seems like a decent guy!
Very cool, thanks for sharing
Thanks dude, I actually stayed 5 months in Brazil last year after running away from troubles. Learned some of the language but was mostly related to getting 25-year brasilieras and blow.
War Charles, seems like a decent guy!
Hah, I hope you enjoyed your stay here! It's a tough country but it's also full of life and beautiful things to see, the women are great too.

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