Locked Fox Reportedly Making a SILVER SURFER Movie

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Jun 3, 2009
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Fox Reportedly Making a SILVER SURFER Movie from Writer Brian K. Vaughan


The Silver Surfer may soon ride the cosmic skyways into movie theaters once again.

A report from The Hollywood Reporter suggests that 20th Century Fox is pushing ahead with developing a Silver Surfer movie. The film is being developed from a treatment by Brian K. Vaughan, the creator of Marvel’s Runaways and writer of other hit comics including Saga, Paper Girls, and Y: The Last Man.

The Silver Surfer movie is reportedly one of several “secret” projects that 20th Century Fox is working on despite the looming merger with Walt Disney.

"We are going 100 miles per hour," one executive involved told THR.

20th Century Fox already has several Marvel movies on its film schedule. Deadpool 2 will release in May and X-Men: Dark Phoenix will follow in November. The New Mutants will undergo a round of additional photography this summer that will insert a new character into the thriller that is dated for Feb. 22, 2019. Channing Tatum’s Gambit movie is still in development but once again searching for a director after Gore Verbinski’s exit.

The Deadpool spinoff X-Force is reportedly looking to begin filming in October. There have also been reports that former X-Men comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis is working with Tim Miller, the director of the first Deadpool, to develop a Kitty Pryde solo movie. James Franco and X-Men: Dark Phoenix writer/director/producer Simon Kinberg were reportedly working together on a Multiple Man movie. Legion creator Noah Hawley is developing a Doctor Doom spinoff move. Other rumors suggested that Fox was looking to reboot the Fantastic Four film series once again, this time with a focus on the Richards’ children.

Silver Surfer Movie Reportedly in the Works from Y: The Last Man Creator Brian K. Vaughan
Hope the Disney-Fox deal happen soon, so that Marvel Studios will nix the Fox Silver Surfer idea and do it themselves and do it right.
No way this turns out bad.
Silver Surfer is cool. Hopefully, we get a decent Galactus this time rather than a dust cloud homo Galactus.
Fuck sakes

Stop making movies with these random one off characters you still happen to have the rights too
I'm torn because I assumed Norrin Radd was now a MCU property, seeing him still in the clutches in Fox makes me sad.
That being said, the key to this announcement is my ninja, Brian Fucking-K Vaughn. Lets hope Fox has a sense of urgency here and doesn't fuck around and gets this done right.
Shame the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer and Galactus (and Wolfsbane) can't be part of the Infinity War movie saga.

I mean, technically, Marvel Studios can if the merger goes through this year but it'll be shoehorned and rushed if they did that. They're not WB-DC after all.
I'm torn because I assumed Norrin Radd was now a MCU property, seeing him still in the clutches in Fox makes me sad.
That being said, the key to this announcement is my ninja, Brian Fucking-K Vaughn. Lets hope Fox has a sense of urgency here and doesn't fuck around and gets this done right.

BKV is one of the best writers on the planet.

Him being attached is all that gives me hope.
Shame the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer and Galactus (and Wolfsbane) can't be part of the Infinity War movie saga.

I mean, technically Marvel Studios can if the merger goes through this year but it'll be shoehorned and rushed if they did that. They're not WB-DC after all.

My hope is that the end of IW2 shows an altered reality. So, like (omg), when our heroes (not you Hawkeye) return to Earth, they find it altered with new heroes like the F.F. Maybe even greeted by them to make sure they aren't a threat!? Then a headline regarding the mutant "problem".
If done properly, silver surfer could be visual feast with an great origin stoey to boot. Otherwise we will get a repeat of fantastic four trash.
Is this one of those cases again where Fox is rushing to make the movie before their license expires? Is the cloud from Rise of the Silver Surfer becoming the main villian?
Fuck sakes

Stop making movies with these random one off characters you still happen to have the rights too
random one off character? Silver Surfer was a much more prestigious Marvel title than the Avengers, Iron Man, Black Panther or Ant-Man. The problem is that Disney is a superior studio and could make better movies with B-list characters than Fox can with the A-list.
Hope the Disney-Fox deal happen soon, so that Marvel Studios will nix the Fox Silver Surfer idea and do it themselves and do it right.

Amen. After Guardians and Ragnarok it’s clear that Marvel can handle something like this, they’ve handled the cosmic stuff pretty good so far. I don’t want Fox poisoning the well on one of my favourite characters just before more capable hands get a chance to work on it.
Didn't Fox do Logan and Deadpool? It also has the writer of Y: The Last Man?

I don't see a problem here.
random one off character? Silver Surfer was a much more prestigious Marvel title than the Avengers, Iron Man, Black Panther or Ant-Man. The problem is that Disney is a superior studio and could make better movies with B-list characters than Fox can with the A-list.

What I mean is they own so few characters that they can't do anything special with them or have them interact with any other valuable characters

I think of Venom, a Spiderman villain with his own film sans Spiderman ??? What the fuck is that
Just imagine his homeworld in all its CG glory....Galactus looming over....
His transformation.....confrontation with former heralds, the betrayal and imminent doom of his planet...all while we explore new worlds with him and of course a Thanos tease for the next flick.

Could potentially be the most visually satisfying and epic marvel flick to date if done correct.
My favourite superhero of all time but wtf is going on here? I thought Marvel had him back in the fold now?

Anyway I know those FF movies were not well liked but I thought they at least did a really good job with the Surfer. The chase sequence with him and the Torch was cool as fuck and still looks impressive to this day.
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