Forgotten everything I learned?

Mise En Place

White Belt
Mar 31, 2012
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So after 8 classes in 3 weeks, I had to take 2 weeks off due to injury. I was super stoked to get back on the mat today, and physically I felt better than I ever had at class i.e. not gassing as hard so early, still feeling strong at the end of class not completely wiped. But I feel like I had forgotten everything I learned already. I mean I was focusing on going in and executing the few thechniques that I had learned, as I had been going over them in my head for 2 weeks without being able to roll. But as soon as someone put the pressure on me, I just forgot all that stuff I guess and didn't remember any of my escapes or passes.

Either way I cant wait to get back to class tomorrow!
I've felt like this before. I did sub grappling for like two years and then took off for like three years. The other day some buddies of mine wanted to roll, I figured I'd smoke them. Boy was I wrong... I remembered the basics, defended against the RNCs and whatnot but there were a ton of submissions and sweeps I missed. Needless to say I'm starting back to the gym next week.
Bjj is about muscle memory.. so you can't expect to really "know" something after 8 classes. You can think about moves and positions all day, but if your body doesn't have the physical reps, then it won't perform when necessary.

This is why drilling and consistency is so important. Just keep at it and don't worry too much about it.
8 classes is not long enough to know much of anything.

Don't worry about it. Just be proud of yourself for sticking with it after being hurt. I know people with plenty more time under their belt that quit after an injury no more significant than yours.
So after 8 classes in 3 weeks, I had to take 2 weeks off due to injury. I was super stoked to get back on the mat today, and physically I felt better than I ever had at class i.e. not gassing as hard so early, still feeling strong at the end of class not completely wiped. But I feel like I had forgotten everything I learned already. I mean I was focusing on going in and executing the few thechniques that I had learned, as I had been going over them in my head for 2 weeks without being able to roll. But as soon as someone put the pressure on me, I just forgot all that stuff I guess and didn't remember any of my escapes or passes.

Either way I cant wait to get back to class tomorrow!

When I'm rolling with brown belts and up, I still sometimes feel this way if they decide to turn it on. The fact that you've been thinking about the moves for 2 weeks shows that you're passionate about BJJ and that if you stick with it your muscle memory will start to catch up with your mental understanding. Just be encouraged by the cardio improvement and keep at it!
8 classes? Keep on training. I work full time and still average that weekly :) Heal up and just get as much mat time as you can. As of this Friday I'm "hurt" but I think I'll be back on the mat soon. I know the down time sucks but sometimes less is more.
I think you get more "caught up in the moment" the first few rolling sessions when you have a long time off from BJJ. Kind of forgetting to do reverses and counters and trying to force stuff or bad timing and awkwardness. Maybes it because you know you should be performing at X level, but your body just needs some warm-up classes to get it back.

Not like your a spaz, but you are rushing things and not as fluid jumping back in, you'll find that you'll get it back quick and progress faster after your return. IMO

Rolling all the time gives you that calmer state, better mental and physical flow.
Thanks guys! I know I just need to stick with it, and the muscle memory will come with time.