For Christmas Eve, my band released our new song

sounded more like kyuss that QOTSA, at least instrumentally. Good job
honest criticism:

  1. the vocals are a little weak. there is an interesting pitch being used, but it requires a stronger, more bellowly voice to pull of. instead, it felt a little tinny. it could be purposeful - to give a gritty rather than fuller emotion - but there's something "off" about the execution.
  2. also, the vocals feel poorly mixed. they sound like they were recorded in an entirely different studio, in an entirely different time period. (live from the space ship in spacetime?)
  3. the instrumentals are spot-on. strong playing. showing a lot of expertise. although some parts sound familiar.
  4. also, no verses about cock rings. so, song has limited appeal to me. more cock rings references will result in #1 hit.
I can appreciate this a lot. Thank you for your feedback and for listeninf