
RJ Powell**

Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
I just realized that i suck at it......

So my work schedule changes again, i'm back to working during daylight, so i gotta join a new gym that caters to those hours.

Friend told me about a real good boxing gym, trains alot of amateurs. So i go ahead and train with them. The owner watches me train and asks "you're a kicker eh?",

i say "excuse me?"(lol), he says "i can tell you fight with kicks." I tell him about my previous Muay Thai training, and how i want to learn just textbook boxing, nothing fancy.

Sparring time.

These little teenagers run circles around me, provided it is an amateur gym, the punches were a bit lighter than what i was used to. But i have never been tagged in the face so many times in my life.

Then i overhear the owner talking to his assistant instructor, he says something like. "Kid's supposed to be a kickboxer, but he has no legs." then they giggle. then i hear "yeah theboy definitely learned how to use his hands before he learned to use his feet."

I didn't understand what they meant until the drive home. I know they were just poking fun at me, but it got me thinking. I am a little lead-footed, my movement is a little choppy and awkward.

It wasn't a huge problem in muay thai though because of the nature of the sport, i could easily pick off attacks by just maintaining my rhythm or "thai walk".

But the thing is, i wanna fight under K-1 type rules, not muay thai. So i gotta make myself quicker on the feet somehow.

Any tips?? I'm pretty good at skipping rope, but for some reason it doesn't transfer well into my boxing stance. I still remain flat-footed, waddling along.
This is not a highly qualified opinion haha..but for me I use a can probably see some patterns to learn on youtube or something.
Thanks man, You know, maybe i should start with re-learning how to do footwork. It would probably set my ego back a few notches, but at least i'll know how it's done.

Anyone have any instructional vids on boxing footwork? Or can point me to any good instructionals? Thanks
Thanks man, You know, maybe i should start with re-learning how to do footwork. It would probably set my ego back a few notches, but at least i'll know how it's done.

Definitely. As you probably know by now, boxing isn't just Muay Thai without kicks, knees, elbows and a prolonged clinch.
Yeah, shit is the real deal, definitely respect it a bit more...

The art & sport that is.

Not the management.
ladder drills for shur we do them every day and you need to learn to stay on the balls of your feet(the area right behind your toes) one way to do it and this is a little harsh is to tape thumb tax to the area under your heals and do bag work you stay on the balls of your feet or get stabed
^^^^ LOL wtf? do you guys really do that???

Yeah, i really have trouble bouncing around on the balls of my feet. I gotta stop being so flat-footed. I think it's a lack of balance or stamina or something, thx I'll look up some ladder drills.
ladder drills for shur we do them every day and you need to learn to stay on the balls of your feet(the area right behind your toes) one way to do it and this is a little harsh is to tape thumb tax to the area under your heals and do bag work you stay on the balls of your feet or get stabed

lol... thats pretty extream.

maybe something like a rock so it would hurt, but something that stabs you? id laugh, but power too you. :redface:
How about you just train footwork at first. There is no point in doing more advanced drills yet. Simple stuff like shadowboxing but focus on actual movement with basic jabs, cross, and some check-hooks. Most footwork you have to train on your own by just moving around, practicing all types of movement around the ring.
Grab a training partner and move around the ring without punching, just cutting each other off, trapping each other in corners, trying to get angles on each other.

BTW, this new gym sounds good, the trainers are absolutely right. The first thing strikers need to learn is movement & footwork.
Dont do the thumb tacks. It hurts like a mofo if you put all your pressure on it and it goes into your foot.
What helped me with footwork was just focusing on your feet for a couple classes and shadow boxing in the ring. I started doing footwork drills where you look ahead and throw combos, with every punch move forward. SO a 2, jab, left foot, right hand, right foot. Each time your arm move, your foot moves with it. Its helped my stance and staying on the balls of my feet. Shadow boxing is awesome to me for footwork.
ladder drills for shur we do them every day and you need to learn to stay on the balls of your feet(the area right behind your toes) one way to do it and this is a little harsh is to tape thumb tax to the area under your heals and do bag work you stay on the balls of your feet or get stabed

You should mention to make sure one is up to date on their tetnus shot.
Uhh kryllo has some sick footwork drills you should check out on youtube.