Food you are craving, but cannot eat due to...


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
...random reasons.

I can't recall the last time I've had ice cream. It's been years. I can't eat them because I have peptic ulcer and ice cream, as well as soda and alcohol activates it. I can't eat cheesecake, chocolate, etc... It sucks.

I've been craving ice cream badly.

If I eat one, I know for sure I'll be spending the entire night on the floor in the bathroom in fetal position. Stomach ulcer is ridiculously painful. And pain killers don't work, only makes the internal bleeding worse.

internal bleeding and ice cream,dat juxtaposition tho
Lmao. More likely lactose intolerant like 90% Asia and Africa.

Lol re ulcer still not healed and aggravated by ice cream. Must be poor dude that your doctor is Wikipedia.
Chronic Taco and Del Taco and cannot have b/c neither are in Toronto.
For some reason, potato chips fuck my insides up. Nachos, crackers, crispers, etc, I'm all good, but a handful of potato chips turns my insides into a razor blade factory. Doubly so, if it's those kettle cooked type like Ms Vickies.
That ice cream picture looks so good too.
Not food but I do miss liquor. Never had a drop of anything beyond 15% proof due to pancreatitis since 2004.

can't eat Panago's pizza anymore...not sure what the deal is.. usually shit bricks after I eat a slice
If I don't have immediate access to a bathroom after Taco Bell, shit gets literally real. As a result, I haven't had it for at least five years and probably never will again.
Developed a Banana allergy in my late 20's... it really sucks because they are healthy, dirt cheap and I really enjoyed em.
Due to gastrointestinal illness, I cannot eat spicy food like I used to. Gone are the days of dousing all my food in sambal.
I feel bad for all you food allergy glutards. I eat and drink what I damn well please.
Threads like this(well there have been more serious ones than this) really make me cherish my health. I don't take any kind of medications, I'm not allergic to anything, don't need any aid/medical devices(glasses or whatever) and I can eat or drink whatever I want.
The older I get, the fewer foods I like. I'm lactose intolerant. I can eat ice cream if I take some pills with it but I can easily go without.
I'll go a couple of days without eating because I don't feel like eating. I can't think of anything I want enough to bother.
For some reason, potato chips fuck my insides up. Nachos, crackers, crispers, etc, I'm all good, but a handful of potato chips turns my insides into a razor blade factory. Doubly so, if it's those kettle cooked type like Ms Vickies.
Chew your food, brah.
Threads like this(well there have been more serious ones than this) really make me cherish my health. I don't take any kind of medications, I'm not allergic to anything, don't need any aid/medical devices(glasses or whatever) and I can eat or drink whatever I want.

Threads like this(well there have been more serious ones than this) really make me cherish my health. I don't take any kind of medications, I'm not allergic to anything, don't need any aid/medical devices(glasses or whatever) and I can eat or drink whatever I want.

Good on you for being prescient enough to realize what a gift it is man. It truly can be taken away in a minute.

I've always been one of the most health conscious and most athletic people in any of the circles I've run in. Never sick, no health issues until about 32ish and then I developed a bunch of issues . Psoriasis and alopecia, which are both autoimmune problems, and a neurological issue in the past year or so that causes almost constant muscle spasming and tremors .

I don't want to give the impression that I'm complaining, my problems are pretty benign on the grand scale , but only to reiterate what a blessing it is to not have to be aware of your body constantly because the mother fucker is just humming along like it should. If you don't have your health you don't really have much of anything.
So many people in this thread sound like Kyle's cousin Kyle.
I- I can't eat beef. I have a degenerative problem with my intestinal lining, and beef really gives me gaass.
Buffalo wild wings.

I'd be fatter, poorer, and on the toilet more if I gave into every craving. There's a special going on for fight nights and it's not much of a deal for like 50 or 60 wings and nachos for $60.00. I ate all of them and almost died.