Food products USADA should put on the banned list to make things easier


Oct 3, 2015
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All the food products below can cause a positive..

hemp, poppy seeds or coca, to much caffeine, soda and over-the-counter cold or flu medications..

Any sort of Vitamins, Minerals etc etc.. Horse meat, some peanut butters, Bitter orange, Seville orange and bergamot orange, different body cream's and many other food products contain different things that can cause positive test
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Bitter orange, Seville orange and bergamot orange will pop you for ephedrine.

No marmalade on toast.
Definitely don't pour a bunch of poppy seeds into a 2 liter soda bottle with lemon juice and water, and shake it for 10 minutes, then strain it into a glass and drink it.
Bitter orange, Seville orange and bergamot orange will pop you for ephedrine.

No marmalade on toast.


These orange are effective at giving positive tests
Whey protein tainted with roids.
The USADA website is... An authority on doping.

Any asshole can contact them for any question, or concern they might have.

They will test your shit, and give it the seal of approval ( I do believe you must pay for this... I have no idea how much... But if it's your livelihood on the line. Don't throw away the dollars of tomorrow, for the pennies of today ).

I don't give a fuck what is banned or not. But if you popped for any banned substances it's completely, utterly, and totally your own fault.

If your career, and the means to feed your family was on the line...

How do you risk it ?
Tiger nuts (no, I don't mean the actual nuts of a tiger). Will cause a flag in your t/e ratio.
Definitely don't pour a bunch of poppy seeds into a 2 liter soda bottle with lemon juice and water, and shake it for 10 minutes, then strain it into a glass and drink it.
Why not?
