food addiction


White Belt
May 28, 2007
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Do you guys belive this is true? I have always been a skpetic for some reason. i was wondering what some of the more educated people on food have to say about this. I would assume you could get addicted to anything as long as it releases endprphins correct? sorry if this has been done before.
IMO, its typically a symptom of a bigger problem.

That's one theory.

In AA they say that drinking is but a symptom of a greater disease, and this seems to make sense for food addiction.

I dunno though, am just a dumb fighter lol.
i would agree its real, but i think saying you have an addiction is a cop out from trying to change.

ive been addicted to lots of things and every time ive wanted to stop, it sucked for a couple weeks then life went on without it.
I would assume you could get addicted to anything as long as it releases endprphins correct? sorry if this has been done before.

Dark chocolate affects the same opioid receptors as narcotics. I have first hand experience with this.

Dr. Eades claims carbohydrates stimulate brain chemistry in the same fashion as narcotics, also. I think this is a bit of a stretch, but to simplify it, all food affects brain chemistry somehow.
Even if it is a "addiction" every "addiction" can be broken.
Yeah food can trigger the release of dopamine, which can make it very addictive. Im struggling with what you could call a "food addiction," and the best I can do to combat is is know as much as I can and eat as healthy as possible.

The good thing is that once you start eating clean, you don't want to eat like shit anymore, so most of the time you just end up binging on oats and walnuts and blueberries instead of pizza and candy.
Dark chocolate affects the same opioid receptors as narcotics. I have first hand experience with this.

Dr. Eades claims carbohydrates stimulate brain chemistry in the same fashion as narcotics, also. I think this is a bit of a stretch, but to simplify it, all food affects brain chemistry somehow.

thats very interesting. i didnt know that food really affedcted your brain like that.
Do you guys belive this is true? I have always been a skpetic for some reason. i was wondering what some of the more educated people on food have to say about this. I would assume you could get addicted to anything as long as it releases endprphins correct? sorry if this has been done before.

I am addicted to fast food. I have been addicted to drugs, and quitting food is harder. I swear on my life its real as can be. If fatty foods weren't addictive, and everyone knew they were bad for you, why would anyone eat them?
Yeah it's very truw. All fast food places put stuff in there food that makes you addicted. Also alot of different process foods are like that. That's a good reason why 90 percent probably more of this country eats like shit
brain scanning images show the same neuronal circuits for food and drugs. all in the orbitofrontal cortex.

dopamine release from what i've researched is debateable, what isn't is serotonin. there's a belief that many people are self medicating themselves from mild depression through the use of carbohydrates; mainly sugar

food is also debated to have a analgesic effect (pain relieving), common examples i've come across is milk, dark chocolate (for women on menstruation, and sugar water for baby heel sticks)
I'm a recovering addict. In my personal experience it's not about getting addicted to an outside thing and hopefully that will make more sense as you read. The problem is internal. I can get "addicted" to sex, exercise, food, video games, internet forums :D, porn, sports, TV, etc. Those things don't have a particular quality about them that makes them "addictive." It's my reaction to those things that makes those things seem like they are "addicting." If you need a clich
Yeah it's very truw. All fast food places put stuff in there food that makes you addicted. Also alot of different process foods are like that. That's a good reason why 90 percent probably more of this country eats like shit


elbowsmash said:
brain scanning images show the same neuronal circuits for food and drugs. all in the orbitofrontal cortex.

dopamine release from what i've researched is debateable, what isn't is serotonin. there's a belief that many people are self medicating themselves from mild depression through the use of carbohydrates; mainly sugar

food is also debated to have a analgesic effect (pain relieving), common examples i've come across is milk, dark chocolate (for women on menstruation, and sugar water for baby heel sticks)

Excellent post, Elbowsmash. The serotonin connection easily explains why North Americans are raging carbaholics.
Yeah it's very truw. All fast food places put stuff in there food that makes you addicted. Also alot of different process foods are like that. That's a good reason why 90 percent probably more of this country eats like shit

Don't take everything Morgan Spurlock says as 100% accurate.

To the topic at hand. It depends on the person. Some people use booze to comfort themselves, other people use drugs, others spend money.
the problem with this "addiction" is that the majority of people I see who claim to have it are extremely lazy. So, I feel it is just an excuse. If they put there addiction to use and were doing their powerlifting and conditioning, then maybe I would be more sympathetic.

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