first redbull in months


Silver Belt
Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
and i took my adderall again, im problably not sleeping until next week whoo
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
Didn't you stab a guy last time you drank Redbull bro?
Your thread is coherent. Drink more of it.
Adderall explains everything now.
Hi guys, just wanted to check in! How is everyone doing tonight? I just got done cleaning my kitchen, it looks pretty fantastic, I even mopped the floor. This time of year I tend to track a good amount of road salt in on the tread in my shoes, it's more or less unavoidable. After I was done with that I decided to finally fix the port on my dryer, it has been bothering me for weeks now. After I replaced the old one when the heating element cracked, the ceramic part not the coil, I never got one of those tubes to exhaust the air back outside, and every cycle it turns my mudroom into a tropical rain forest. I guess I will go do some dishes and feed the kitties! The little girl kitty is rolling around on the scratchpad now that its loaded with catnip and she is mewing lol!
and i took my adderall again, im problably not sleeping until next week whoo