PlayStation FF8 was crap ... prove me wrong

I thought 8 was okay but enjoyed 7 much more. I liked X, never played 9 unfortunately.

The card game is my favorite part of 8. Zell was probably the best character.
Just finished 7 for the first time recently.. had a great time, still prefer 6 though .
I loved 7 and came onto the new series with a lot of hype and expectation for 8. I'm a bit proud to say i was able to see around the hype and just not like it. IDK the game just didn't seem to know what it was doing or what it was going for, introducing multiple villains and then some randomer at the end. It wanted to have this grandios plot twist and just fell short. The last section of the game was just lackluster and the way they closed off all the cities completely went against the series theme of exploration. The Mumbas were just some weird random addition that was never used again. Card game was kind of cool but the hell is even the point if they closed off the map at the last stretch so you can't even play it.

FF9 was far better and I put it next to 7 at the top. 7 and 9 just had their own themes they were going for.

Necron or Ultemecia are probably the worst villains

FF7 will always at the top because there never was or will be a time when its original graphics looked good

10 was crap
12 was crap
13 was crap

10 wasn't crap dude and I've beaten all ff.
I loved the battle system and the sphere grid in 10 but hated everything else.
10 wasn't crap dude and I've beaten all ff.
once they removed the world map it started going downhill. the voice acting (Tidus) also hit wrong.

Sin was a cool idea albeit he was essentially Lavos. If Kuja was a Sephiroth clone idk what Seymour was trying to be.

Last FF I tried to beat was FF13 and I stopped when the space pope pokemon boss appeared.

15 looked like it was getting back on track but I'd rather they just went back to being FF than Game of Thrones.
I assume this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think JRPGs should've ever had voice acting.
Never finished it, but didn't completely hate it. Gave up around disc 2. Of the games I've played:

7 > 12 > 10 > 8 > 13
I thought 8 was okay but enjoyed 7 much more. I liked X, never played 9 unfortunately.

The card game is my favorite part of 8. Zell was probably the best character.
I hated the card game
I assume this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think JRPGs should've ever had voice acting.

Certainly not run by the Japanese. It's always some anime bullshit, where all the characters sound like angsty teenagers, slutty school girls, and try hard tough guys. Not to mention that very few voices match the characters. It's usually a shit show, that you eventually get used to, or simply put up with.

I don't think it's that unpopular of an opinion. You have to be a big anime fan to deal with(or even embrace) the horrible voice acting in most JRPG's. It's always "awful" to "Okay, I'll deal with it". It's never, "Damn, this voice work is great!", like western RPG's(and western games in general) have.
I got VIII the day it came out. I was excited and contrary to what most people were hoping back then, I was happy that it was going with a different style. VII's style had been different too and it turned out to be amazing.

What I have always loved about VIII is the actual gameplay. Junctioning magic to stats is amazing. Learning and improving abilities from the Guardian Forces was amazing. The card game was amazing. The upgrade system for weapons was amazing. Drawing magic. The side-quests. All of it was amazing.

A lot of the other things, including characters, actual plot and story, and music, were really disappointing. The most disappointing part about those things is that there are occasional moments of brilliance where you see that they could have been awesome. There's something going on with Quistis in the beginning, and it just gets dropped. She doesn't have any use as a character outside the first 2-3 hours of the story. Zell is the only character outside of the two main protagonists that has what can be considered an arc (Laguna is interesting and his whole thing is very intriguing but again, ultimately disappointing when you find out it doesn't really go anywhere), and even that is disappointing because the changes he experiences don't translate into any kind of lasting nuance. He just kind of reverts to the annoying Zell from the first disc because that's the Zell you know, and once again, they don't have anything for him to do once you get to a certain point in the story. The rest of the supporting cast almost isn't worth mentioning. Irvine had one interesting moment, where all his cool and confidence leaves during the assassination attempt. There's no real followup to this. I think it was because the Sorceress was somehow indirectly messing with him, or maybe it was memories of the orphanage or something. All I know is that they create a hole for him to crawl out of, but there's no climbing. It just kind of disappears. Seifer is even more frustrating because at the very, VERY beginning he is fascinating, and he's presented as a foil or someone who is linked in a very deep way to Squall. But there's no motivation. Why does he want to be the sorceress's knight? Because he does. The owners of Garden, the time compression and Ultimecia herself, all of it. It's like Lost-tier fumbling. And I know everyone already knows this but the supposed big reveal that they all grew up together with Edea is just so lame. The game is so self-congratulatory in this gesture, expecting you to be blown away. Before Mass Effect 3, there was Final Fantasy VIII.

Add to that the fact that there is a huge difference between clever, comedic camp... and absolute cringe. Some of the parts of this game were so bad I had to make sure nobody was watching me play it.

The music was equally disappointing. The opening sequence is some of Uematsu's best work, but after that there's very little. One of the things you can notice about VI, VII and IX is that every character had a musical theme. That doesn't mean that VIII needed to have a musical theme for all its characters, but the thing is that I can think of the character Locke and I know his musical theme. It's valiant and memorable, and memorable is the key. There are very, very few memorable pieces in Final Fantasy VIII. I did like all the battle themes, including the unique boss fight theme "Premonition", which is on my cardio playlist. It's amazing. And again, it's these moments of sheer talent that accentuate how good the game could have been.

But none of that can stop how amazing the gameplay is. Many people found drawing magic to be a chore and I can see why but for me I just loved it. The limit breaks were awesome and interactive. And all the aforementioned gameplay elements. It's truly a mixed bag. I know reading this wall of text it appears that I hate it, but if they ever give us a decent port I will be all over it.
Squall has the charisma of a ham sandwich. In real life a guy like that doesn't get the girl and definitely doesn't get chosen to be the commander.