Ferguson vs DOS ANJOS @ 170: same result?


Blue Belt
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
Dos Anjos was weight drained @ 55...if he fought Ferguson @ 170...is the result the same?

I'd favor Dos Anjos
Ferguson cuts just as much so that's no excuse. He was just a better fighter on the night.
RDA does better...but unless he can bring it to the ground Tony still takes it imo. It'd be close tho.
The eye poke was significant as well. RDA cleanly took the 1st. I think it's another war, could go either way, but I give RDA the slight edge in the rematch at 170.
You do have a good point. RDA would probably look better if he got the chance to fight him @ 170.
Khabib and Ferg probably beats RDA at any weightclass. He has a better chance against Ferg than Khabib though.