feminist writer says feminism has failed


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2015
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Crispin has written a polemic titled Why I am Not a Feminist.

Feminists, she believes, forsook their values for the sake of assimilation, which is another way of saying they were co-opted by the system they once rejected. Feminism became a catch-all term for self-empowerment, for individual achievement.

Jessa Crispin:

This idea emerged that if we just put a lot more women in positions of power, somehow that would defeat the patriarchy, not understanding that the patriarchy has nothing to do with men. If women in power behave like men do, that is not a defeat of the patriarchy. That's just patriarchy with women in charge.

She's a nutty anarchist. Down with patriarchy, down with capitalism, down with hierarchies. Women are 100 years ahead of men in gender bender acceptance. Burn it all down!

Yeah. Crazy person.
She's nuts. The playing field is pretty level right now, and quite frankly in corporate America is obviously tilts in favor of women and minorities. More tilting is not the answer.
Obligatory big red gif
I think feminism is largely a failure because it goes against a productive biological notion.

It's one thing for people to cull their non-productive biological instincts like beating people over the head with sticks like cavemen, but for women, putting career over family, especially for jobs they don't even like, having kids (even if they have them) raised in daycares or by nannies, biologically puts them in a bad corner.

The productive biological tendency for women to "marry up' also reducing the chances of achieving the biologically driven imperative for women to reproduce. Hence, career success can put these two forces in direct opposition to each other. End result: the successful, liberated modern woman who needs a wide assortment of meds to get through the day to chemically reverse the impacts of their biological stresses create.
My working definition of patriarchy is a society that's structured by hierarchy. So unless that is reformed, unless we reform society so there are no hierarchies

Unless we get rid of the hierarchy and stop structuring our society around it, the patriarchy is not defeated.

The point is that patriarchy and capitalism are of the same system. They support one another and one cannot be removed without the other.

She is not nuts, just dumb.

In many ways — and this is part of the argument you make in the book — feminism became apolitical, or divorced from its political roots.

Yes, other than being on the extreme left, they're totally apolitical.

Just dumb, like I said.
I don't know I think women behavior better in power compared to men.
I mean let's just take the number one female and male leader in the world at the moment just as an example.

You don't see Merkel having to tweet that she is in fact not mentally ill but a level-headed genius.
Because all of her stuff is very concerned about her mental stage.

That is not good leadership SAD.
Well, it has. Women have been getting more and more miserable every decade since it started. Social engineering always turns out horribly.
She's nuts. The playing field is pretty level right now, and quite frankly in corporate America is obviously tilts in favor of women and minorities. More tilting is not the answer.
I'm guessing you didn't read the interview. She herself says that the tilting in favor of women in corporate America is not the solution, that the sort of feminism that supports this is misguided.
Feminism won... 50 years ago. Today it would be more like "My man-hating crusade has failed."
Plenty of feminists have written books and articles on the failures of contemporary feminism.

Why is this one special?
I don't know I think women behavior better in power compared to men.
I mean let's just take the number one female and male leader in the world at the moment just as an example.

You don't see Merkel having to tweet that she is in fact not mentally ill but a level-headed genius.
Because all of her stuff is very concerned about her mental stage.

That is not good leadership SAD.
This is BS. The architects behind the US failure in Libya were three women, imagine if one was the president how badly they might've fucked up.
Crispin has written a polemic titled Why I am Not a Feminist.

Feminists, she believes, forsook their values for the sake of assimilation, which is another way of saying they were co-opted by the system they once rejected. Feminism became a catch-all term for self-empowerment, for individual achievement.

Jessa Crispin:

This idea emerged that if we just put a lot more women in positions of power, somehow that would defeat the patriarchy, not understanding that the patriarchy has nothing to do with men. If women in power behave like men do, that is not a defeat of the patriarchy. That's just patriarchy with women in charge.

I see where she's coming from and I have to say I respect this sort of feminist more than the one she criticizes. I don't agree with her but I'm personally tired of the sort of mainstream feminism that sees the premiere of a Wonder Woman movie or the promotion of highly privileged women to the position of CEO as some sort of feminist accomplishment.
Plenty of feminists have written books and articles on the failures of contemporary feminism.

Why is this one special?
Idk, maybe read the interview and find out. Or don't and leave the thread.
This is BS. The architects behind the US failure in Libya were three women, imagine if one was the president how badly they might've fucked up.

Those are women though are product of living in patriarchy society though surrounded by men and molded and getting men to do their orders and say okay. And this is one area these feminists are right in. We do not really know how women would act if patriarchy was removed in most of modern world.
I'm glad to see that despite our differences, we can all agree to be at least a little bit misogynistic.
Those are women though are product of living in patriarchy society though surrounded by men and molded and getting men to do their orders and say okay. And this is one area these feminists are right in. We do not really know how women would act if patriarchy was removed in most of modern world.
Maybe that's true but I don't care much to find out. Not saying there aren't qualified women who could be great leaders, just that this idea that its their sex that makes them uniquely qualified is what I'm against.
Idk, maybe read the interview and find out. Or don't and leave the thread.
Its not special.

The core of her critique has been made by others before, and (apparently) in a superior fashion. I'm pretty sure BEER has read at least some of those, which is why he's making the point that he is.

edit: updated with links
Sounds like the lady wants to be in charge but can't accept the fact she's not. Welcome to the club, toots.
Those are women though are product of living in patriarchy society though surrounded by men and molded and getting men to do their orders and say okay. And this is one area these feminists are right in. We do not really know how women would act if patriarchy was removed in most of modern world.

True. My two cents is the modern world would be completely screwed.

I think there's a biological reason for the patriarchy, for, as fucked up as the world is, it would be worse if not Hence evolution has turned it this way.

A convincing argument I heard is to think about the legal system, created by the patriarchy. Look at how divorces are stacked in the favor of women regarding finances and child custody. It is men stacking the deck in favor of women. Now think of a female legal system stacking any deck in favor of men on anything huge like that.

Frankly, I don't see it happening. That said, we don't know as you say. Frankly, I don't want to find out because I am highly skeptical of an improvement and fear the downside.