Female-fronted and/or female rock bands

Barbara Wainwright (Fly 93), weird band name, but some great vocals here

Fionnuala from the psych Doom band Gravity Well (Belfast) ....sexydelic voice :):)
Total respect to Cathy Richardson from one of the latest line-ups of Jefferson Starship
Lubna Bangs front woman of The Wylde Tryfles ....she looks like Patti Smith :):)

Watched a vampire flick a couple of nights ago called BIT. There's a scene early on with the Death Valley Girls playing this song in a club.

Probably already posted this but its one of my favorites by them

Watched a vampire flick a couple of nights ago called BIT. There's a scene early on with the Death Valley Girls playing this song in a club.

Probably already posted this but its one of my favorites by them

DVG rips !!! :)
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Caroline Stratton from a very obscure psych folk band with the weirdest of names :):) the-carolyn-hester-coalition.jpeg